Dual Enrollment Pilot Project (DEPP)

  • Sheppard-Jones, Kathleen (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract Many high school students in Kentucky take advantage of opportunities to enroll in college classes while still enrolled in high school. These dual enrollment programs offer students the chance to earn college credit as part of their high school curriculum. Until now, this opportunity has not been offered for students with disabilities who are eligible for free and appropriate education (FAPE) under the individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA). The Dual Enrollment Pilot Project (DEPP) will develop dual enrollment projects for students on no more than five college campuses in Kentucky. These projects will represent, to the greatest extent possible, both geographic and institutional diversity. Our proposed project has one major goal – to expand access to create a statewide dual enrollment system through which students with ID can have the same opportunities as any other student in secondary schools in Kentucky. In order to achieve this goal, we will establish two classifications of student eligibility: 1. Diploma track students will include degree or certificate seeking students with disabilities. Acceptance criteria will include academics, family support, student motivation to pursue college as a viable transition path to employment and fall within the Pre-ETS definition of student. 2. Alternate diploma students with disabilities who are interested in Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTPs) or non-degree or certificate seeking and who demonstrate motivation and family support to pursue a viable transition path to employment and fall within the Pre-ETS definition of student. DEPP staff will provide program administration, technical assistance to participating Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and institutions of higher education (IHEs). DEPP will also provide marketing and information dissemination and by utilizing evidence-based findings, develop a model transition project that can be replicated statewide. Initial DEPP work will include forming partnerships between LEAs and IHEs, provide guidance on admissions criteria, programming, course selection, on-campus supports, work exploration, and student social engagement. DEPP will work with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Disability Resource Staff at IHEs, and secondary school teachers and administrators. A benefit of the dual enrollment initiative will be to strengthen the existing Comprehensive Transition Program (CTPs) in the state. For some students, the logical next step is for some students to continue their education at CTPs. These programs are located at Northern Kentucky University, Murray State University, Spalding University, and Bluegrass Community Technical College. DEPP seeks the full inclusion of young adults with disabilities in all aspects of college life, integrating academics, socialization, and meaningful work experiences within student centered plans. As true participants in campus life, students will be able to meaningfully engage in the college culture, ranging from attending classes in an integrated classroom environment, taking part in study groups, rallies, and student clubs. Whenever possible, natural supports through peer mentors and classroom accommodations will be used, changing the college culture to one of inclusiveness where diversity is valued.
Effective start/end date11/1/166/30/17


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