Duke Energy CCP Conversion and Innovative Use

Grants and Contracts Details


Phase 2: Conventional Technologies. This phase of the study will evaluate the feasibility and advisability of installing commercially available technologies for improving the quality of fly ash for use in concrete and other well established markets. We will identify and describe the viable commercial technologies, working directly with vendors to the extent possible. We will then evaluate the technologies and report to EPRI the nature and viability of the available technologies using the following criteria: Capital Cost; Physical Size and Implementation Logistics; Operational History, Reliability and Complexity; and, Effectiveness and Efficiency. Phase 3: Innovative Technologies. In this phase we will help EPRI to identify, assess, and organize these new and innovative products and processes in a coherent way in order to facilitate their efficacy as viable and sustainable applications. A primary consideration will be evaluation of whether the barriers to increased application of the products and processes are imposed by technology deficiencies or market factors. Two types of innovative technologies will be considered: 1) processes and products that are well developed from a technology perspective but have not made significant in-roads into the marketplace (“recognized” technologies), and 2) identification of promising new processes and products that will likely require significant further development before they are commercially viable (“promising” technologies).
Effective start/end date7/24/157/31/16


  • Electric Power Research Institute: $95,000.00


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