Early Childhood Transition Project (Part B)

Grants and Contracts Details


The K~ntucky ~~rly Childhood,Transition Project remains committed to research based practices r~gar~mg tranSltI?n from e.arl.ymtervention into preschool and preschool into primary. The project has hlstoncaUy been Involved In mtroducing a national model for transition to providers within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This model educates participants from both Part C and Part B while often mediating to support the development of local interagency agreements, procedures/transitio~ calendars and other inclusive planning processes at the community level. Since transition cannot happen in ' isolation, other community partners participate in local decision making and planning. Interagency collaboration and partnerships with families and smooth, effective transition outcomes for children are the ultimate result. While transition has been a topic of interest and study in the field of special education and for Head Start programs for the last two decades, transition has more recently become an important topic of discussion among al1 early childhood providers. Ramey & Ramey (1998) provide four reasons why this has occurred: 1)Dramatic demographic changes within society and local communities; 2)The provision of education to all children, regardless of the presence of major disabilities or serious health concerns; 3)The crisis and uncertainty of funding for public schools in many school systems; and 4) The availability of new paradigms. In addition, Pianta & Cox (1999) have identified four trends which have an impact on the transition of children into school: 1) the integration of developmental psychology and education, 2)the diversity of America's families and school population, 3) the increase in number and type of public school programs for young children, and 4) a movement for accountability. Four key elements should be considered when attempting to help ensure successful. transitions for young children and their families (Glicksman & H8ills, 1981; AYCF, 19876) all of which have been embedded in the training curricula for this project: 1. Ensure program continuity by providing developmentally appropriate curriculum for aU ages levels in all educational settings., Maintain ongoing communication and cooperation between teachers and administrators at different programs. 3. Prepare children for transitions. 4. Involve parents in the transition process. This project proposal includes components identified in the literature that provide a frame for basic tenants or philosophies of effective transition for children and families in early childhood and kindergarten programs. First transition planning should address the strengths, needs, and characteristics of individual children, families, and school programs and should promote implementation of current recommended practices (Conn-Powers, Ross-Allen, & Holbum, 1990).Secondly, transition should be thought of as a process that needs to happen over time (Daniel, 1993; Rous, Hemmeter and Sc~uster, 1994). Finally, those providing transition supports must consider the resources and needs of chIldren, families, and professionals, and must recognize that transitions do not occur in isolation from the social supports on which families and professionals nann ally rely (Hanline, 1993) Given the literature base on effective transition, the Kentucky Early Childhood Transition Project work scope has been designed to build on and coordinate activities across populations (e.g, early i~tervention, child care, preschool -regular and special education) and across traininginitiativ~s (e.g., specIal projects, training networks, and families). A special emphasis for current)ear WIllbe to explore current !
Effective start/end date11/1/036/30/04


  • KY Department of Education: $56,441.00


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