Effect of Different Fat Sources and Vitamin E Status On Antioxident Status, Carcuss Characteristics, and Meat Quality of Pigs Grown to Heavy Slaughter Weight

Grants and Contracts Details


Fats and oils are used as energy sources to increase dietary energy density. The total fat content of diets, and its composition, comes from both feed ingredients (indigenous) and supplemental fat. Its composition can affect pre-slaughter growth and immunity as well as post-slaughter carcass measurements and pork quality. Using a high level of plant oils in swine diets may cause poor fat quality (i.e., soft fat) and a short shelf-life due to a higher unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) content. Slaughter market weights averaged 290 lbs in 2014 and are projected to continue to rise. With increased slaughter weight beyond 290 lbs, the duration of feeding is prolonged which means the level and profile of fatty acids in the last dietary phase is extremely important. With regard to health, a high n-6 fatty acid profile, usually high in plant oils (corn oil, soybean oil), causes a negative effect on immunocompetence, perhaps by the effect of the oils on serum vitamin E status. With regard to pork quality, an increased dosage of USFA (dosage is a combination of time [length of feeding] and dietary concentration) can result in soft pork with potential for oxidative problems. These impacts of fat source and type on the performance, health, and carcass merit of heavy weight pigs have not been examined. The current project will investigate various fat sources that have different fatty acid profiles on performance, immunocompetence, carcass characteristics, and meat quality for pigs grown to heavy slaughter weight. The potential interaction with vitamin E dose and form will also be examined. This evaluation about fat sources will demonstrate the impact of fatty acid profiles on immunity and health (which can be extended to companion animals as well as humans) and on pork quality issues. With regard to potential tallow/CWG usage, if one assumes a feed/gain of 4.0 from 290-330 lb bodyweight, a 3% inclusion rate in the diet, 100 M pigs marketed/year, and a 40% adoption rate, that equates to 200 M lbs of fat. Assuming a feed/gain of 3.0 from 250-290 lb bodyweight, a 4% inclusion rate in the diet, 100 M pigs marketed/year, and a 40% adoption rate, that also equates to 200 M lbs of fat. Realized change in sale of fat will depend on the adoption rate and the cost of the fat.
Effective start/end date11/1/168/31/18


  • Fats and Proteins Research Foundation Incorporated: $40,000.00


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