Effective Project Scoping to Improve On#Time and On#Budget Delivery of Highway Projects

Grants and Contracts Details


Better predictability of a project’s cost and schedule outcomes during initial planning and programming stage offer significant benefits to state transportation agencies and their stake holders. Being able to better predict the likelihood of project cost and schedule growth early in project development would allow a state transportation agency to take action and avoid the added costs associated with construction change orders, as well as improve the accuracy of a state transportation agencies’ programming and cash forecasting. Current planning and programming among state transportation agencies appears to fall short in achieving these goals. This is also evident in the frequent Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) revisions and administrative modifications by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State Transportation Agencies (STAs). A new approach to scoping within a state’s transportation agency is necessary in order to avoid these negative impacts on project development costs and schedules.
Effective start/end date6/1/1211/30/15


  • Texas AandM University: $75,000.00


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