Effectiveness of the respiratory muscle training on improvement of orthostatic tolerance in individuals with spinal cord injury

  • Randall, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


HISTORY OF TRAINING OTHERS AND/OR SPECIAL EXPERTISE/ENVIRONMENT 1. History of Training Others: I have trained, or participated in the training of, more than 50 students in my >34 years at the University of Kentucky. Our laboratory specializes in teaching students to use mathematical and other technical tools used by engineers to approach problems faced by biologists, physicians and, most particularly, physiologists. Students who are mathematically competent are rare, so Dr. Ovechkin is among a "special breed" of people who can use multiple techniques to approach important clinical problems, such as spinal cord injury, and these are those with whom I find working to be most effective. One of my first students supported in large part by an American Heart Associate grant-in-aid (~1981) has now been full-professor at Ohio State University for many years, and is editor-in-chief of a new journal, Frontiers in Physiology as well as editor of other publications. I have served as mentor, or co-mentor, of 10 doctoral students, and of 6 post-doctoral fellows; I have served as a member of the special committee of more than 30 students. I am Program Director of a T-32 NIH training grant ("Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Training Program," T32 HL 072743) which is now in its sixth year at the University of Kentucky; this was the first cardiovascular training grant at UK. I have received multiple grants-in-aid and training support from the local affiliate of AHA as well as from AHA National. I am particularly pleased that in 2002 the American Heart Association, Ohio Valley Affiliate, named me as Heart Honoree for Distinguished Service in Heart Research and that in 2003 the same organization honored me with their Research Merit Award. 2. Special Expertise: As is explained in the RESEARCH PROGRAM INFORMATION form, my expertise in the autonomic control of cardiovascular function in the spinal cord injured animal or patient is exceptionally well-suited to Dr. Ovechkin's project. I, together with the Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Kentucky, bring strengths in acquiring and analyzing data from human subjects, and in applying advanced mathematical techniques the analyzing and modeling such data. My animal laboratory is well-known for studies in chronically instrumented, behaviorally trained subjects. In addition to the mentor, Dr. Ovechkin will work with Dr. Sevda Aslan, Ph.D., who was trained at the Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering, in part by Dr. Randall, and by Ms. Joyce Evans, M.S., who directs our human studies.
Effective start/end date1/15/111/14/15


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