Grants and Contracts Details
Froth flotation is a process that separates particles based on their differences in physical and
surface chemistry properties. For fine feed material that is comprised of particles having wide
degrees of floatability, selectivity is often optimized by maximizing the differences in the
flotation rates between the particles targeted for recovery in the froth concentrate and those
needed to report to the underflow stream. The benefits of differential flotation rates are realized
in the collection zone of a flotation system where bubble-particle collision and attachment
occurs. However, selectivity between particles of varying floatability can be significantly
enhanced in the froth zone through a reflux mechanism that circulates detached particles back to
the collection zone. Particle detachment in the froth zone occurs due to bubble coalescence,
which leads to an insufficient amount of bubble surface area to carryall ofthe material recovered
in the collection zone. Based on previous research, the detachment process is selective in that
particles having a lower degree of floatability (or hydrophobicity) are preferentially released
from the bubble surfaces. Selectivity through the detachment process can be improved by the
addition of a more hydrophobic material into the froth zone and possibly by recycling a portion
of the flotation concentrate, thereby enriching the flotation froth.
In a recent study, froth zone and overall flotation recovery values were quantified for particles in
an anthracite coal that were characterized as having wide differences in floatability potential.
The unique aspect of the coal was the presence of 'bone' material in the high density fractions
which had a relatively high degree of floatability. As a result, the minimum product grade
achieved by froth flotation was about 15% despite washability data indicating the potential for
achieving a product containing nearly 3% ash. Highly floatable material was added directly into
the froth zone while treating the anthracite coal and then removed from the product and tailing
samples using density fractionation. The enriched froth phase reduced the product ash content of
the anthracite product by 5 absolute percentage points while maintaining coal recovery at the
same level. These results support the findings of previous fundamental research conducted on
hematite flotation with the addition of hydrophobic silica directly into the froth phase.
The proposed two-year project will further investigate the fundamentals of the detachment
process as well as develop unique methods of commercial application that may be more useful
for sulfide and precious mineral industries. Plastic material that contains an amount of magnetite
that makes the plastic easily recoverable by a low-intensity magnetic separator will be directly
added in the flotation froth through the wash water distributor of a flotation column. By varying
the fonnulations of the plastic, surface hydrophobicity and thus floatability can be controlled.
Initial tests will involve the flotation of silica that will be methylated to achieve varying degrees
of floatability. External refluxing of a portion of the flotation froth will also be investigated using
the methylated silica. To evaluate the commercial benefits, the improved selectivity achieved by
froth enrichment using external refluxing and the addition of the magnetic material will be
accessed for the flotation of coal, sulfide minerals and phosphate.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/26/06 → 9/30/09 |
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: $72,592.00
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