Enhancing the Beef/Forage Potential of Small and Mid-Sized Beef Operations

  • Burris, Walter (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky and Tennessee have an abundant forage base and the beef cattle inventory necessary to expand beef production. However, our producers have been slow to adopt new technology and sound business management practices. Farmers, who are facing diminishing returns trom their tobacco enterprise, are desperately looking for ways to increase their farm income in order to insure the survivability of their farms. If the beef/forage potential of these states is attained, small to mid-sized farmers can improve the viability of their farming operation while maintaining sound environmental practices. The Kentucky and Tennessee IRM teams have developed a comprehensive educational program which will benefit a large number of producers by taking the latest technology and information to them, showing them how to apply it, assisting them in measuring their performance and developing beef industry leaders in their local area. Cattle producers will (a) develop customized management calendars for their operations, (b) attend "Master Cattlemen" programs where they learn successful production techniques, (c) study forage utilization practices at grazing schools, (d) learn how to use artificial insemination techniques and interpret breeding values, (e) attend income enhancementlleadership development study tours, (f) be introduced to and assisted with comprehensive farm records analyses, (g) see examples of successful practices on IRM demonstration farms, and (h) participate in value-added calf sales. This broad-based, ambitious program has the enthusiastic support of knowledgeable, well-trained Extension personnel who are committed to making this program a success.
Effective start/end date9/15/009/30/04


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