Grants and Contracts Details


The Commonwealth of Kentucky collects a wide variety of information relevant to public health through multiple cabinets and departments: infant mortality, smoking rates, cancer incidence, mining permits, vehicle crashes, drugrelated arrests and much more. All of these data possess a spatial component-Le., a location that can be mapped in some way. Mapping and analyzing the spatial distribution of these phenomena enables public health authorities and others to more efficiently address them. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a very important spatial analysis tool, which is progressive and timely for public health. Displaying data spatially allows public health professionals to tell the story and not rely on cumbersome documents that are not interactive and responsive in nature. By spatially layering data, you can address multi-factorial issues, such as health equity, burden and temporal differences that you can't see in a one-dimensional report. The University of Kentucky shall provide a series of four live training workshops designed to enhance the spatial analytic capabilities of state employees who already possess a basic knowledge of industry-leading ARCGis software.
Effective start/end date8/15/166/30/18


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $11,000.00


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