Grants and Contracts Details
08/26/2004 10:27 FAX 859 323 1059 TOXICOLOGY 141 002/002
BB Principal Investigator/Program Director (Lasl, first, middlll); Vore, Ma!X, E.
OE5CRIPTION: State the application'a broad. long-term objectives and specific elms. making reference to the health relatedness of the proJ,'ct. Describe concisely
the research design an'methods for echieving theae .goala. Avoid aummarlea of pest accompllahments and the use of the first peTlon. T.i. description Is meant
to "rve as a auccinct and accurate d..crlptlon of the proposed work when Sfparated from the Bppliclltlon. If the spplicstlon is f mde'd, this description.
as is, will become public information. Therafore, do not includa proprietary/confldentiallnformatlon. DO NOT EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. ,
The primary objective of the Minority Summer Research Experiencein EnvironmentalToxicolog'l is to provide
I five students with an opportunity to participate actively in an ongoing research project. Students wH:helVe"handsonnresponsibilities
in research projects in which reas~nable conclusions can be obtained in a 9-we ak period, and
will spend 85% of their time in the laboratory. Research opportunities in Environmental Toxicolog:' are available
in the specialty areas of metabolism and transport of xenobiotics, mechanisms of toxicity 0' h.alogenated
hydrocarbons. mechanisms of oxidative stress-induced toxicity, DNA repair and mutagenesis, nE,umtoxicology
and immunotoxicology, Students will work with faculty who are Core and Joint Faculty in the Gmduate Center
for Toxicology who are also Training Grant Faculty on the T32 Environmental Toxicology NIEHS --raining Grant
(a total of 30 faculty). Students will be recruited from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) as the (ontinuation of
a program for students .from UPR which has been cosponsored by the University of Kentucky (UK) and UPR for
the last three summers. We will continue to work with Dr. Braulio Jimenez, the Director of t,e Center for
Environmental and Toxicological Research at the Medical Sciences Campus of UPR to identify and recruit
students for the summer program. Applicants will be asked to provide their student transcrip:s i3nd will be
interviewed by Dr. Jimenez; the best candidates will send their transcripts, an essay describing :heir research
interests and why they wish to work in Toxicology. and one letter of recommendation. Dr. Vore ar d a additional
members of the Training Grant Faculty will review the candidates, and select the top five. This ~lrOIJpwill also
match the interests of the applicants with those faculty who are able to work with the student~ in any given
summer. Dr. Vore will closely monitor the satisfaction of the students and mentors during and at he end of the
program. Students will attend a seminar series in which they discuss their research, and hear prese1tations on
the use of animals and ethics in research, and how to prepare for Graduate SchooL Finally, studnnts will make
a 15 minute presentation and discussion of their research results.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/01 → 3/31/05 |
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