Ergonomics Training for the Poultry Processing Industry in Kentucky

Grants and Contracts Details


Summary of Program: Funding is requested to enable UK Center for Manufacturing to use the recent OSHA Guidelines for Poultry Processors as a catalyst to provide Kentucky poultry processors with ergonomics training developed and customized for their particular needs during the grant period and delivered on-site, The training will be oriented toward practical solutions that help reduce the number and severity of MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). After discussions with management and ergonomics assessment of the processing plants, training will be targeted to individual plants and their problems and processes. UK Center for Manufacturing will offer the following, depending on the needs and priorities of the plants being served: . Assistance with initiating (or re-starting) an in-plant ergonomics program or with assessing a program already in place . Training for management in ergonomics and its benefits for the bottom line as well as for employee health and safety (their engagement in the process will be stressed as a key factor). . Training for supervisors in identifying problems and implementing solutions (based on successful solutions adopted in the poultry, meat-packing and related industries). " Training for the general workforce in job-specific risk factors for MSDs and early SignSof MSD problems (once an ergonomics structure is in place so that workers can be adequately responded to) . Methods for medical management, including tracking and evaluating ergonomics efforts. UK training will be evaluated and its impact will be examined through follow-up. UK anticipates the training program will serve as a model transferable to other high hazard Kentucky industries.
Effective start/end date9/30/039/30/05


  • Department of Labor: $88,348.00


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