Grants and Contracts Details
Title: "Evaluating the presence of Dectes Stem borer in soybean fields, weeds and assessing the
tolerance of cultivars in Kentucky: Year 2”
Project Director: Raul T. Villanueva, Assistant Professor and Extension Entomologist Grains.
REC – Princeton, University of Kentucky
Collaborating Staff: Claire Venard, PhD, CCA, Soybean Research Specialist, Department of
Plant and Soil Sciences
Collaborating County Extension Agents:
Clint Hardy, Extension Agent, Cooperative Extension Office in Daviess Co.
Susan Fox, Extension Agent, Cooperative Extension Office in Lyon Co.
The soybean stem borer (Dectes texanus) has been observed infesting commercial
soybean fields and experimental plots in Kentucky. Although there are publications reporting the
absence of effects of this pest on soybean yields. However, dectes have the potential to cause
lodging of plants principally during drastic weather events such as high winds or rains. These
events may be seeing more frequently, such is the case of the “derecho” storm in the Midwest
that ‘leveled soybeans and corn. Lodging has been reported to cause yield loss and increase of
time in harvesting operations. This proposal will study infestations in commercial fields, detect
additional host plants (weeds surrounding commercial fields), conduct a cooperative work with
Dr, Claire Venard investigating the tolerance of soybean varieties to Dectes in Princeton and
areas where Dectes have been observed in great numbers (McLean, Davies, Hancock) and
conduct a small plot trials at the UK’s REC in Princeton. This project will help to increase
soybean yield and increase profitability. Here we are requesting $16,820. From this amount
67.4% will be used to cover salaries of part time employee that will work from May to
December. $1,500 will be used for housing, $2,200 will be used to rent vehicles to visit sites,
$1500 for materials and supplies and 300 for publications
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 4/15/21 → 4/14/22 |
- Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $16,668.00
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