Evaluation and Implementation Issues for the 2002 Pavement Design Guide

  • Allen, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


OBJECTIVES: 1) Identify all the necessary input and analysis parameters required. 2) Develop appropriate calibration procedures for Kentucky conditions. 3) Develop an implementation plan to guide the Cabinet in establishing the necessary data collection requirements which may be necessary to support the use of the new procedure. BACKGROUND: The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) is currently developing a new Pavement Design Guide based on mechanistic procedures. Kentucky is one of a very few states which has used mechanistic-empirical design procedures for many years. The Cabinet plans to implement this new design procedure over the next several years. A project is currently underway, "Development of Load Spectra for Use in Pavement Designs in the Implementation of the 2002 Design Guide" which deals with the development of the required traffic parameters of the new design procedure. It is anticipated that the work begun on the load spectra project would be incorporated into this project to provide the Cabinet with all the inputs of the new design procedure. The new design procedure utilized various material models coupled with a mechanistic analysis procedure to predict pavement performance. This resulting performance is then used to determine if a pavement structure is suitable, based on their local condition and historical pavement performance. The new guide will require the user to calibrate the results to these local conditions and establish performance requirements for a hierarchy of pavement structures. The results of this project will permit the Cabinet to be a leader in the implementation of this procedure. FY 2006 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Work has continued to determine typical input parameters for Kentucky materials, default values for lIMA properties have been determined and a pre1iminary sensitivity analysis has been initiated. Parameters which have been investigated are; HMA gradation (coarse and fine), nominal HMA base size (0.5,0.75, and l.O-inch), distribution of vehicle classification (Truck Traffic Category TIC), bumping the PG binder grade for better performance, truck volume, subgrade CBR, and HMA thickness. The Center has also continued its assistance to the Transportation Cabinet in participation in the FHW A Lead States Group for implementation ofthe new design process. FY 2007 PROPOSED WORK: The sensitivity analysis will continue utilizing a new version of the software which should become available by early summer. The analysis will also be expanded to include additional parameters for lIMA pavements and PCC pavements. Work will begin companion designs will also be conducted with the current Cabinet procedure. PROJECTED COST THROUGH FY 2006: PROGRAMMED COST FY 2007: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $292,000 $ 75,000 $405,000
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


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