Evaluation of Deterioration of Structural Concrete Due to Chloride Entrainment and Other Damaging Mechanisms KYSPR 10-406

  • Hopwood, Theodore (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Identity the range of structural concrete deterioration mechanisms encountered by highway agencies and their impacts on structures. Detennine effective methods for evaluating the presence/extent of concrete deterioration. 2. Acquire and become familiarized with relevant test instrumentation to evaluate concrete deterioration. 3. Perform in-situ tests of concrete propeliies/concrete damage assessment of selected bridges/structures throughout Kentucky with various ages and amounts/types of distress. Tests will be perfonned on bridges decks, balTier walls, retaining walls, abutments, beams and piers. 4. Prepare a summary of findings and provide recommendations/guidance for extended testing of bridge concrete.
Effective start/end date7/1/106/30/11


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