Evaluation of Public Health System Bioterrorism Preparedness

  • Graham, George (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Design/develop criteria and tools to evaluate learning modules, training curriculum and simulation exercises developed to date and for those that will be developed as new training needs are identified. The overall direction of the evaluation project will be guided by a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from the four universities as well as representatives from the Department for Public Health (DPH). The Steering Committee will meet on a bimonthly basis to assure that the project remains on track and resolve administrative issues that might arise during the course of the project. Initially the meeting may be more frequent to accomplish the aggressive timeline. Stakeholders in the project are identified and include: a. DPH b. Local Health Department representatives c. Schools offering graduate degrees in Public Health (4) d. Schools of Nursing (3) e. Kentucky Hospital Association f. Kentucky Medical Association g. Commonwealth of Kentucky Office for Security Coordination h. Kentucky Division of Emergency Management
Effective start/end date7/1/046/30/05


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