Grants and Contracts Details
The University of Kentucky will serve as the lead to assist in determining the overall impact of USDA
Rural Developments investments in building a resilient food supply chain in Rural America. Speci?cally,
Extension colleagues with the support of research sta? will conduct the following ac vi es over the
course of a 3-year period.
? Build a body of evidence of performance, develop a methodology for a poten al impact
evalua on, and conduct the analysis. This segment of the review will help USDA answer the
following ques ons for each stage of the food supply chain and the RD programs that have
supported food supply chain development/enhancement.
? How much has USDA/RD invested for the past ?ve years and through which mechanisms (e.g.,
loans, grants, loan guarantees, and technical assistance), including investments made during the
COVID-19 pandemic?
? Using an evidence-based approach, to what extent have the programs met their goals and
objec ves? What have RD’s programs contributed to each stage of the food supply chain?
? What types and magnitude of outcomes and bene?ts did the programs generate for producers,
processors, aggregators and distributors, and consumers? What types and magnitude of bene?ts
were realized by socially disadvantaged farmers and female, Tribal, and Veteran farmers?
? To what extent can observed changes in the relevant food supply chains be a ributed to RD’s
For meat and poultry programs (no closed projects yet):
? How are food supply chain program awardees using their funds and for what purposes?
? What challenges, if any, have food supply chain program awardees encountered in the process,
both engaging USDA in the applica on and award processes and the implementa on of the
? Are there other points of interven on that USDA should consider for improving the food supply
? Are there any early indicators that the investments are having, or will have, an e?ect on the local
or regional food supply chain systems?
? What indicators could be tracked over me to understand the extent to which an investment in
processing capacity has on the food supply chain system?
? What factors or set of factors are most likely to contribute to or hinder achieving the goals and
objec ves of RD’s programs?
B. Deliverables
• Dra and Final Reports with recommenda ons and ?ndings.
• Regional or local food system maps that iden fy key food and agricultural actors in a food supply
chain, their roles and business rela onships, and opportuni es and constraints that arise in
building or expanding a food supply chainRegional or local food system needs assessments to
inform future funding requests.
• A descrip ve summary and visual representa on of the programs in the scope of this evalua on,
their goals and objec ves, target audiences, key strategies, and intended outcomes.
• Set of descrip ve sta s cs and visual representa on for a representa ve sample of regional food
systems, preferably using a geospa al mapping tool that can be used for addi onal analysis.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 10/2/23 → 9/30/26 |
- Rural Development: $750,000.00
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