Grants and Contracts Details
I) Objectives: The overall goal of this project is to evaluate French-American hybrid.
nativc American and Europcan (I' \'inifera) table and wine grape cultivars and their
dones suitable and sustainable for Kentucky cnvironment. This project tits with
Research Priority I of the Kentucky Grape and Vine Council which is to conduct 'I 'ariel)'
hia/s and Applied Research'. The specific objectives of this project arc as 1()lIows:
Objective 1: Evaluate French-American hybrid wine and table grape cultivars under
Kentucky environment for suitability and sustainability,
Objective 2: Evaluate European wine grape cultivars and their clones under Kentucky
environment for suitability and sustainability.
Objective 3: Compare single bi-Iateral high cordon training system to fDur training
systems to make recommendations on French-American hybrid wine grape eultivar and
training system interactions.
Objective 4: Evaluate Ber/andieri. Riparia and RlIpeslris crosses of rootstocks for
European and French-American hybrid grapevincs under Kentucky soils and
cl1\'ironment for suitability and sustainability.
2) Procedures: This project will be conducted at thc University of Kentucky
Horticulture Rcsearch Farm. For the plot plan of the vineyards see the Appendi".
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/15/06 → 6/30/08 |
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