Grants and Contracts Details
The movement from a traditional fee]for]service healthcare system that rewards the volume of
healthcare delivered to a reformed payment system that rewards the IHIfs Triple Aim of (1) improving
the patient experience, (2) improving the health of populations and (3) reducing the per capita cost of
healthcare will have a significant impact on emergency medicine. Despite the lack of robust emergency
medicine and specialty care resources at community]based emergency rooms, if the Triple Aim is to be
achieved, telehealth technology must be deployed to gimporth those needed medical resources to every
medically underserved emergency room, helping keep more patients in their home community,
reducing unnecessary transfers and facilitating the rapid transfer of patients that require the care only
available at a large quaternary care center. Using telehealth technology to deliver the right care to the
right people at the right time in the right place will improve clinical outcomes while reducing the cost of
The University of Kentucky Department of Emergency Medicine in partnership with Kentucky Telecare,
the universityfs telehealth program with over 19 years of clinical telehealth services and over 65,000
clinical events provided via videoconference technology is applying for an important HRSA grant
entitled, the Evidence]Based Tele]Emergency Network Grant Program to develop the UK]ATEN (UKAppalachian
Tele]Emergency Network) to support implementation and evaluation of broad telehealth
networks to rural and community providers without emergency care specialists.
Using existing relationships developed over many years between the UK ED and the EDfs and physicians
across rural Kentucky, we have consensus that such a technology deployment can achieve the Triple Aim
goals. Specifically, we hope to improve the care for two types of patients, but there will likely be
additional benefits in other patient groups as well.
1. Assistance with the critical/emergent patient in which there are questions about the best ways to
manage a particular patient and expedite an emergent referral.
2. The ED patient with an urgent (but non]emergent) diagnosis needing to be managed by a specialist
that is not available at the rural ED. We know that traditionally, many patients in this category are sent
to the Chandler ED gto be sorted outh by specialty services only to be sent home from the Chandler ED
to follow]up in the outpatient clinic. We seek to improve this situation by arranging timely and reliable
outpatient follow]up, using telehealth when appropriate, to improve clinical outcomes, improve
patient/family/provider satisfaction, reduce costs to the healthcare system and travel costs for
family/patients referred to UK from the rural EDfs.
The study will include 18 rural hospital EDfs throughout eastern and southeastern KY to participate in a
cluster]randomized assignment of nine hospitals to a control group using the current telephone]based
system of clinical support for the rural ED physicians and nine hospitals to the intervention group which
will deploy telemedicine equipment, staff training and 24 hour videoconference access to UK EM and
specialty physicians. We will not know which group each hospital will be assigned to until after the
randomization selection. This project will prove that deployment of telehealth technology can deliver
these clinical services without adding incremental workload to rural ED physicians and staff.
Experimental sites will receive funding for telehealth equipment and partial FTE support for a Medical
Director and Staff Support for deployment, operation and data collection. . Control sites will receive
Staff Support funding to coordinate data collection. We believe that the UK]ATEN grant will enable us to
learn how to coordinate care in the most efficient, cost effective and patient centered ways possible.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/14 → 7/31/19 |
- Health Resources and Services Administration: $717,718.00
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