Experimental Testing and Design of Protective Measure For Communications and Tracking Systems Subjected to Catastrophic Events in Underground Coal Mines

  • Silva Castro, Jhon (PI)
  • Novak, Thomas (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The proposed work will explore, through experimental laboratory testing, the design and construction considerations necessary to protect the wired components of C&T systems in underground coal mines. Several tests will be developed in the explosives research facility at the University of Kentucky. Various components of C&T systems will be subjected to a series of explosions in a shock tube that simulates the most likely methane or coal dust events that may occur in an underground coal mine. Initially, the C&T system elements will be subjected to explosions for different conditions and without any level of protection. Data regarding the pressure exerted on these elements due to the explosions will be collected and used to correlate the magnitude of the event with the damage level of the components. Once the mechanism of failure, the level of damage, and the magnitude and characteristics of the event are related, different protection techniques will be explored. To simulate flying debris and roof falls, the C&T elements will be subjected to impact tests in a modified Hopkinson-Bar apparatus. This device allows testing of the elements to simulate the impact of different projectile sizes, shapes, and densities under concentrated or distributed impact conditions. Proposed protection mechanisms must maintain the operational conditions of the C&T system. Tests will also be performed by subjecting the C&T components to flames with temperatures that simulate those that occur in a mine fire.
Effective start/end date12/1/163/30/19


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