Faculty Development in Prime Care

Grants and Contracts Details


Overview: The overall purpose of this project is to provide a premier Primary Care Master Educator Fellowship Program (Type II Program) in General Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Our program is specifically for general internists and general pediatricians who wish to pursue an academic career with the ultimate goal of being a leader in primary care medical education. The program anticipates generally accepting two fellows per year, for a total complement of four fellows in training at peak activity. Training entails both an informational and eXperiential curriculum, with teaching methods including formal graduate coursework (attaining a Master's of Education), weekly 2 hour fellow's seminars (on educational research, teaching, administration and leadership), select workshops (on teaching and various educational research issues), mentorship in educational research, an apprentice program working with a clerkship director or residency director in the day-to-day design, implementation and the evaluation of courses and residency programs, developing a curriculum for residents and students in an area of critical local and national need (health literacy, patient safety, chronic pain/substance abuse, or HlV primary care) and the completion of at least two educational research projects. The fellowship program will include attaining a Masters degree in education.
Effective start/end date7/1/056/30/06


  • Health Resources and Services Administration: $226,352.00


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