FAST Implementation NY OCFS

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract State of New York, Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Family Advocacy Support Tool (FAST) Project Purpose This proposal is to support the State of New York Office of Children and Family Services implement a customized FAST. The implementation will include the creation of a customized FAST reference guide, a decision support model based on the customized FAST, training, technical assistance, and consultation over a two-year period. Methods 1. TCOM tool Implementation Support: provide technical assistance and consultation on implementation of the FAST. 2. Workforce Development: Reference Guide and Certification Course for NY OCFS to ensure fidelity to the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) approach: a. Develop a customized NY OCFS FAST Reference Guide b. Develop customized vignettes for NY OCFS FAST training and certification courses c. Create a customized online certification course for the NY OCFS FAST on d. Provide access and helpdesk support to the NY OCFS FAST bundle on 3. Workforce Development: NY OCFS FAST Training a. TCOM Overview: 20, 4-hour workshops for up to 100 trainees per session b. FAST Orientation: 80, 4-hour synchronous and asynchronous training events for up 25 trainees per session. Pre-requisite: TCOM Overview. c. Training of Trainers (TOT): Eight Synchronous and asynchronous training events per year, split into two parts: i. Part 1 (5-hours) ii. Part 2 (5-hours) iii. Pre-requisites: TCOM Overview, FAST Orientation d. Training to include one-year access to for attendees. e. Coaching for NY OCFS FAST Certified Trainers 4. Precision Analytics: Decision Support Model Development a. Create a decision support model for OCFS based on the FAST. b. Case Review: test the decision support model on clinical cases. c. Empirical Testing: test the decision support model using FAST administrative data. 5. Technical Assistance, Consultation: Data feedback and reporting technical assistance based on FAST administrative data. Qualifications of Key Staff April D. Fernando, PhD Background and experience: Dr. Fernando is the Associate Director for Workforce Development at the Center for Innovation in Population Health, and an Assistant Professor of Health, Behavior and Society at the College of Public Health, University of Kentucky. Dr. Fernando works with non-profit agencies as well as child welfare and behavioral health care systems across the United States in implementing Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) and utilizing the TCOM tools such as the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS). She developed the CANS-Commercially Sexually Exploited version, which is used nationally. A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Fernando brings her years of experience as an educator, clinician, and mental health administrator to her work with TCOM and the CANS. Position Description: Dr. Fernando will be the FAST implementation lead for this project. In this role she will consult across the team to support the use of the FAST as a foundation for trauma-informed care and a data source for continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts. John S. Lyons, PhD Background and experience: Dr. Lyons is the Director of the IPH Center and a Professor of Health Management and Policy in the College of Public Health. Across his 39-year career he has been an innovator and leader in outcome management and continuous quality improvement. He developed the theory of measurement—Communimetrics–behind the SSIT and the CANS. This year approximately 80% of all children and youth served in either child welfare or public behavioral health in the United States will receive a CANS assessment. Many implementations have sustained for nearly two decades evolving the approach consistent with the tenets of quality improvement. Dr. Lyons proposed the system management theory of TCOM which has been successfully used to foster positive change in systems across the United States and internationally. TCOM is the first person-centered theory of outcomes management and is intended to ‘engineer’ the implementation of person-centered thinking throughout a system of care. Dr. Lyons is a leader in research in residential treatment and psychiatric hospitalization and was Editor of the journal Residential Treatment for Children and Youth for seven years. Position Description Dr. Lyons will be the Decision Support Model lead for this project. Joanne E. Trinkle, MSW Background and experience: Joanne Trinkle, MSW is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Innovation in Population Health at the University of Kentucky. Ms. Trinkle earned her Master’s in Social Work from Syracuse University. Ms. Trinkle brings over 20 years of experience in providing training, technical assistance and systems change support within children’s mental health and public child welfare systems of care. Ms. Trinkle is a master trainer and subject matter expert on various topics including caring for children who have experienced trauma, child and adolescent development, and service provision within Medicaid funded programs for special populations. Position Description: Ms. Trinkle will be the lead trainer. She will facilitate the FAST training events and coach FAST Certified Trainers. Olga Vsevolozhskaya, PhD Background and Experience: Dr. Vsevolozhskaya is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky. Her contributions to her field include development of methods based on functional linear models, Bayesian perspective on hypothesis testing issues, and parametric approaches based on Hill function in drug use epidemiology. Dr. Vsevolozhskaya has worked with the Center for Innovation in Population Health since September 2020 as part of the center’s Precision Analytics team. She provides leadership in the development of analytical and statistical procedures based on CANS data in several jurisdictions including Idaho, New York, and Wisconsin. Position Description: Dr. Vsevolozhskaya will be provide technical assistance and consultation for FAST data reporting and feedback on this project.
Effective start/end date7/1/227/1/22


  • New York State Office of Children and Family Services: $180,230.00


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