Grants and Contracts Details
Inflammation or peripheral nerve injury increases neuropeptide V (NPY) expression in pain-relevant areas EJ
of the nervous system, such as large primary afferents and lamina I/Il of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. fl
However, the contribution of endogenous NPY to chronic pain is unclear. This NRSA proposes to test the
overall hypothesis that NPY tonically inhibits nociceptive signaling in the spinal cord and brain following L
inflammation or nerve injury. Specific Aim #1 will test the hypothesis that genetic knockdown of NPY 0
increases allodynia and/or hyperalgesia associated with nerve injury and inflammation. Aim #1 experiments I
utilize a conditional knockout mouse (Npytet) that contains a doxycycline (Dox)-regulated cassette (tTA) :
upstream of Npy exons to evaluate the contribution of NPY to the development (Aim 1A) and maintenance:
(Aim 1 B) of chronic pain, and correlate these changes with NPY expression using immunohistochemistry 0
and western blot (Aim IC). 0
While Aim #1 establishes a contribution of NPY inhibition to behavioral manifestations of chronic pain, Li
Specific Aim #2 uses direct microinjection techniques to investigate the site of action of NPY. NJPY VI and 0
NPY `(2 receptors decorate lamina I/Il of the dorsal horn. I propose to target these receptors with 0
intrathecal injection of selective VI or Y2 receptor antagonists (Aim 2A). Previous studies indicate that:
inflammation up-regulates the expression of NPY and Yl in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus 0
(ARC), and that microinjection of NPY into the ARC attenuated behavioral signs of heat hypersensitivity. In E
Aim 2B, I propose to microinject VI or `(2 antagonists into the ARC, and predict that this will exacerbate:
allodynia and hyperalgesia. 0
Relevance: Chronic pain is a seriously debilitating problem that adversely affects millions of lives. Li'
Currently available pain killers do not alleviate pain for most of these patients, and instead often produce 0
undesirable side effects such as dependency. Research that strives to decipher the many intricate 0
mechanisms of chronic pain drives development of novel analgesics that can improve public health and 0
quality of life.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/1/08 → 12/31/10 |
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