Grants and Contracts Details
The use of methylphenidate (MPH) for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has
increased in recent years. However, MPH has abuse potential and is typically administered during early
development, prompting some concern that early MPH exposure may increase the risk for substance abuse
later in life. Despite of this, there is a notable lack of experimental data directly examining the influence of
oral MPH exposure on subsequent cocaine (COC) abuse. This is critical because MPH and COC produce
similar behavioral and neurochemical effects, and because COC abuse is prevalent in the ADHD population.
In the present application, experiments are proposed to examine the role of developmental exposure to oral
MPH on vulnerability for COC abuse in early adulthood in the spontaneously-hypertensive rat (SHR) model
of ADHD; Sprague-Dawley rats will be used as controls. Specific Aim 1 will determine whether repeated oral
MPH administration during postnatal days (PND) 28-42 (Le., periadolescence) alters the locomotor effect of
COC on PND 75 (Le., early adulthood). Specific Aim 2 will test for MPH-induced alterations in COC selfadministration.
MPH-treated rats will be trained to self-administer COC under a fixed ratio (FR) 1 schedule
during a single training session on PND 75. Then, over the next 14 days, COC infusions will be available
under a progressive ratio (PR) schedule to assess motivational aspects of COC self-administration following
developmental MPH exposure. This protocol has been shown previously to produce progressive increases
('sensitization') of PR breakpoints, and should therefore be more sensitive than FR schedules for detecting
potential enduring MPH-induced alterations in the reinforcing efficacy of COCo Food-maintained responding
will also be assessed to determine whether MPH selectively alters motivation for COC reinforcement.
Specific Aim 3 will assess the effect of COC on dopamine transporter (DAT) function in the nucleus
accumbens (NAcc) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of MPH-treated rats in early adulthood. The NAcc
and mPFC are implicated in COC abuse as well as ADHD; thus, the effect of systemic COC on clearance of
locally-applied dopamine in these regions will be monitored with in vivo voltammetry (high-speed
chronoamperometry) in order to determine whether OAT is a substrate for potential MPH-induced alterations
in COC self-administration. Collectively, these preclinical results should provide clinically-relevant
information on the association between oral MPH exposure during adolescence and subsequent COC
abuse in early adulthood. These results may also aid the development of safer AOHO medications and
should enhance our understanding of the etiology of COC abuse in the vulnerable ADHD population.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/24/08 → 3/23/09 |
- National Institute on Drug Abuse: $29,304.00
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