Grants and Contracts Details


Richard J. Hill (U. Kentucky) is proposing a research plan where he will visit Fermilab for 4.5 months to compute electromagnetic radiative corrections for current and future neutrino experiments, and to explore new search modes at muon conversion experiments. To achieve this goal, the PI proposes to (1) implement recent theoretical work by the PI and collaborators on neutrino- nucleon scattering to perform precision measurements at long baseline experiments and to clarify anomalies at short baseline experiments; (2) examine the potential for muon conversion experiments to constrain new physics in alternative search modes including the charge-changing muon to positron conversion process and new particles accompanying low-energy positrons below the Michel edge; (3) develop the formalism for Coulomb radiative corrections for applications include beta decay, muon conversion, neutrino scattering, and connections to lattice QCD. This project is of high relevance to the U.S. Neutrino program, as it has a direct impact on the major goal of the US flagship experiment DUNE, the determination of the leptonic CP violation phase.
Effective start/end date1/1/235/31/23


  • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: $45,500.00


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