FHWA/LTAP Technology Transfer to Local Agencies

  • Anderson, Patsy (PI)
  • Toussaint, Paul (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The mission of the Technology Transfer Program of the Kentucky Transportation Center is to promote efficiency in Kentucky's transportation system by presenting state-of-the-art technology for application by governmental agencies. The Technology Transfer Program conducts training sessions, maintains a lending library (including audio-visual as well as written materials), and offers technical assistance on site and through its toll-free telephone service. A quarterly newsletter keeps local agencies and others informed of Technology Transfer activities. This work plan and budget was developed by the T2 staff and presented to the Transportation Center Advisory Board for discussion and approval. The plan reflects customer demands expressed through workshop evaluations, telephone calls, face-to-face discussions and at public meetings. Because of the customer-driven nature of technology transfer, additional projects can be expected and can alter somewhat previously set priorities. Kentucky's Technology Transfer Program is designated a Local Technical Assistance Program by the Federal Highway Administration. Similar centers exist in the 50 states, Puerto Rico and centers have been established to serve Native American Tribal governments. These centers share a common mission to "foster a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound surface transportation system by improving skills and increasing knowledge of the transportation workforce and decision makers. Through the state departments of transportation, FHW A provides funding, currently $140,000 annually, for this purpose. A 50 percent in-state match is required for this funding. FHWA is currently working toward a revised Strategic Plan for LTAP and four focus areas have been identified for 2004 and beyond: safety, infrastructure maintenance and management, workforce development and value delivery. These focus areas are addressed in this Plan. The work plan is detailed by tasks that are necessary to successfully operate a technology transfer program.
Effective start/end date1/1/059/30/06


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