Field Demonstration of Tekcrete Fast, Tekcrete Fast HF Prototype, and TekArmor Composite Materials

  • Robl, Thomas (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Introduction and Background Tekcrete Fast and Tekcrete Fast M are products developed specifically to rapidly stabilize damaged structures. This product gains strength very rapidly and also has superior bonding characteristics. This product was developed with support of the National Institute of Hometown Security over a two year period. To date, patents on the product have been filed in more than 20 countries, including the U.S. and Europe. Tekcrete Fast has found commercial success in the mining industry and is in use in several countries around the world. Since then, follow up research has developed bench scale products that have high strength and hardness with the potential, when used in conjunction with the Tekcrete Fast, to both stabilize a structure and restore its structural integrity. Two applications that have not achieved success to date, however, are in the emergency response and civil engineering fields. The demonstration will address issues in both of these areas and advance the product(s). The demonstration will include the current generation of Tekcrete Fast and a new prototype variant of Tekcrete Fast, which is formulated to increase the overall flexural strength of the product. This high flex material (Tekcrete Fast HF) incorporates long, high strength polypropylene fibers which will contribute to the overall flexural strength of the product. This should improve its acceptability in Civil Engineering applications. Another step in improving the acceptability of Tekcrete Fast in civil engineering are enhancements in the testing protocols. Specifically, the incorporation of panel testing. This approach tests the flexural toughness of an entire panel instead of cores and beams which were used in the development of the products. Toughness testing is important in such application as tunnels reinforcement and stabilization. The demonstration will also include the testing of pilot quantities of a product developed for military applications which has both great strength and hardn.................................................................................................. rapid hardening of potential targets, as well as the rapid creation of force protection. Goal and Objectives. The overall goal of the project is to demonstrate the successful application of Tekcrete Fast in a rapid stabilization situation for both civilian and military leaders in the field of emergency response. Specific Objectives Include: .. Demonstrate the current Tekcrete Fast Product in large scale civil engineering environment. .. Evaluate the feasibility and performance of the new prototype-­- high flex Tekcrete Fast product. .. Evaluate the p................................................................................................................ .. Conduct relevant civil engineering tests for all products.
Effective start/end date9/9/146/8/15


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