Food Waste & Loss Program - SARE Supplement: Waste Not, Want Not- Kentucky Feeding Network

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of the Waste Not, Want Not- Kentucky Feeding Network (WiN-WiN) project is to 1) increase the recovery of surplus foods from Kentucky farms and food producers to divergent models of community-feeding program outlets, 2) assess food loss and waste (FLW) occurring upon delivery of surplus foods to community-feeding program outlets, 3) develop and implement training and education materials for stakeholders involved in gleaning, feeding and consuming farm fresh foods using our community-informed FLW reduction and feeding best practices tool kit, and 4) disseminate our training and education materials to various organizations throughout Kentucky and beyond. The WiN-WiN proposal aims to reduce FLW by operating at the level of donation, which is a highly preferred strategy of sustainable food management listed within the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Wasted Food Scale. WiN-WiN is grounded in the Social Ecologic Model and operates at the level of donation. The goal of our project is to use a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach in our pilot county, Jessamine County Kentucky, to increase the self-reliance of the community in providing for their own food needs by gleaning surplus foods from Kentucky farmers and providing them to those experiencing food and nutrition insecurity while minimizing the FLW of these foods once donated to community- feeding programs. Through this initial work, the WiN-WiN will be further refined to be disseminated in a strategically targeted neighboring Kentucky county and shared widely throughout the state.
Effective start/end date10/1/248/31/27


  • University of Georgia: $500,127.00


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