Grants and Contracts Details
Monroe Abstract
Kenton Sena (PI) and John Cox (Co-PI)
Title: “For the Birds? Assessing avian use of reforested areas in the Lexington Metro area.”
Urban ecosystems are often significantly degraded by human activities. Forest loss and fragmentation
related to urbanization can compromise habitat quality for birds and other wildlife. Reforestation of
urban areas is of interest for carbon storage, heat island reduction, air quality improvement, and
stormwater mitigation, but also for habitat improvement. However, avian use of planted urban forests is
poorly understood, given that most urban bird research has involved remnant rather than planted urban
forests. This project will deploy acoustic sensors in six reforested urban sites, representing a range of
years since planting from 0 to 20 years. Deployed sensors will collect acoustic data that will be
downloaded and analyzed to identify bird species present at each site. These data will be analyzed to
test for effects of planted forest age and other forest metrics (using plant community data collected in
summer 2020) on bird community composition. These preliminary data will support further funded
research investigating bird communities at all 20 Reforest the Bluegrass sites in Lexington, permitting
investigators to explore additional forest metrics potentially meaningful for bird community
composition, such as woody stem density, canopy height, invasive species presence, and patch size and
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/21 → 3/31/22 |
- KY Ornithological Society Avian Research Fund: $1,500.00
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