Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
Reieareh Proposals to Identity the Causes and Prevention of Mare Reproducdve
LoSS Syndrome: .
Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome (MRLS) had u severe impact on horse
breeding in central Kentucky in April and May of 2001. Clin.ical signs of the disease
included early and late::fetal losses, birth, of weak foals and a number of cases of
pericarditis and unilateraJ uveitis. Environmental toxins are the primary SUspectl;~with
opportunistic infectious agents playing a secondary role.
Epidcmiologicalstudies suggest strong associations with the presence of Black
Cherry trees and Eastern Tent Caterpillars (ETC). Contingency recommendations and
monitoring programs are being put in place to reduce the risk of MRLS in 2002. To
complement the monitoring program and addre~sidenlHicatjun of tbe cause(s) of MRJ~.
the University ofKentuoky, CoUegeof Agriculture has devoloped a group often targeted
research proposals.
On an accelerated basis, scientists within the College of Agriculture will
investigat~the efficacy and safety of insecticides recommended to eliminate ETC.
, The ETC connection will be investigated by evaluating the toxicity of caterpillars
for pregnant mares. AdditionallYt the rote of ETC excreta (ftass) will be studied by
exposing mares to frass. University ofKontucky scientists will also survey the symbionts
and paraSites of ETC, with the goal of identifying ETC- associated microorganisms that
may contribute to MRLS.
Preliminary work on the role of estrogenic factors in MRLS have shown ETC to
contain anti-estrogenic activity; ~eriments have been designed to investig~t~the role of
these substances in MRLS.
The role of mycotoxins growing on pastures and/or ETC frass will also be
explored. University of Kentucky and collaborating scientists will identify fungi ftom
selected pastures or frass, grow tbe fungi, recover the mycotoxins and investigate their
role in the etiology ofMRLS.
The ergot and laline alkaloids are well-established causes of fesc'ue toxicosis in
horses. University of Kentucky soientists will study their absorption in the equine
intestint\ltract, with the goat of establishing their possible role in MRLS.
Black Cherry trees contain cyanogenic glycosides, whose' toxic potentia1 1~
highest in early spring. Scientists will establish normal cyanide concentrations in horses
at pasture, and investigate the role of cyanogens on fctal survivability. Related proposals
will focus on the effects of cyanogcn.son cellular defense mechanisms. Together these
projects will define the role of cyanogens and 'opportunistic bacterial pathogens in
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/15/02 → 2/28/07 |
- US Department of Agriculture: $3,698,237.00
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- 20 Finished
Nutrient Cycling Consequences of Tall Fescue Pastures in Kentucky
7/1/06 → 2/28/07
Project: Research project
Effect of endophyute infected tall fescue seed on placental changes in pregnant mares
Lawrence, L. & McDowell, K.
7/1/06 → 2/28/07
Project: Research project