Grants and Contracts Details
The Foster Parent Mentor Program specializes in one-on-one, intensive coaching relationships that provide newly approved foster parents with emotional support and encouragement, skill reinforcement, and parenting strategies unique to providing out-of-home care.
These one-on-one mentoring relationships are designed to enhance the quality of care provided and stabilize initial placements.
The program matches newly approved Foster Parents (mentees) with experienced Foster Parents (mentors) for their first six months of service or at the time of their first placement.
Mentors seek to assist mentees by reinforcing what they learned during the initial pre-service training, Building Foundations for Successful Parenting.
Mentors also seek to help mentees learn additional information and apply new skills through the utilization of the Mentor/Mentee Learning Guide.
This guide includes approximately 100 topics with information that can be discussed between a mentor and their mentee based on the needs of the mentee.
This guide was developed in collaboration with veteran foster parents, DCBS Recruitment and Certification (R&C) personnel, and DCBS Central Office personnel.
Additionally, mentors model and encourage appropriate partnership with the child welfare system and help mentees identify resources in their service region.
Goal: The goal of the Foster Parent Mentor Program is to enhance the quality of out-of-home care provided and stabilize initial placements.
Objective 1: Recruit, screen, and train potential mentors
Program Coordinators consult with each regional R&C team at least once annually to assess mentors’ effectiveness, receive recommendations concerning their continued service, receive recommendations for recruiting new mentors, and develop mentor initiatives needed to address concerns common to those being newly approved.
Program Coordinators conduct these meetings either in person or by conference call. Program Coordinators are available to provide program updates and receive feedback from R&C supervisors and staff, as well as DCBS Central Office personnel.
Upon receiving recommendations for potential mentors from regional R&C staff, Program Coordinators recruit those recommended and invite those who want to mentor to complete an online Mentor Orientation course.
The orientation includes information on the program’s history and purpose and provides an in-depth understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Foster Parent Mentor, as well as information on confidentiality and effective strategies for mentee engagement.
Following completion of this orientation, Program Coordinators communicate with the mentor to address any questions they may have and to gain additional insight into their willingness and ability to mentor.
Objective 2: Create, administer, and manage mentor/mentee matches
Upon receiving notice from regional R&C staff of newly approved foster/adoptive parents, Program Coordinators match the newly approved parent(s) with a trained foster parent mentor.
Program Coordinators also accept referrals for mentoring for relative/fictive kin caregivers who seek to become a child specific foster home through DCBS.
Additional or extended mentor matches are also provided for DCBS foster parents who consent to mentor services and for whom Program Coordinators or R&C staff
FY 2020
believe additional or continued services would be beneficial.
Program Coordinators conduct mentee orientation statewide during pre-service training for potential
DCBS foster parents. The purpose of this is to address any questions potential DCBS foster parents may
have and allow Program Coordinators an opportunity to distribute and collect a mentee pre-matching
questionnaire that is essential to the mentor/mentee matching process. Based on regional needs and fiscal
considerations, Program Coordinators may work with R&C staff and pre-service trainers to provide them
with program materials, such as the mentee pre-matching questionnaire, program brochure, and
promotional items for them to distribute during pre-service training.
Objective 3: Provide consultation and technical assistance to mentors
Program Coordinators provide match management for each match. This includes technical assistance
and/or consultation to assigned mentors. Program Coordinators inform both mentee and mentor of office
hours and contact information, as well as contact information for after-hours availability. In terms of
match management, Program Coordinators use a “Four Touch System” for each match initiated. This
system includes a combination of phone calls to mentor and mentee, short questionnaires, and a final
Objective 4: Compile data on occurrence of mentoring
Program Coordinators maintain a database to assist with managing accurate and pertinent demographic
information on all mentors and mentees. Additionally, data collection includes information from all
Mentor Monthly Contact Summary Forms submitted by mentors actively matched. Mentors provide
reports regarding their match to Program Coordinators on a monthly basis. Program Coordinators
regularly provide each R&C Supervisor with matching and contact data as it pertains to their region.
Program Coordinators provide approved mentors all documents necessary to receive monthly stipends and
allowable reimbursements. Program Coordinators maintain records on each match per contract
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/19 → 6/30/20 |
- Eastern Kentucky University: $474,454.00
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