Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, Coordinated School Health Grants Evaluation

  • Jones, Jeffery (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Grantee will obtain from all participating schools all of the applicable assessments in the following list on December 1,2007. A second set ofFITNESSGRAM results will be provided by all participating schools by May 31, 2008. Grades K-8 and students in grades 9-12 who are in a physical education course: a. FITNESSGRAM (administered in Fall and Spring with Spring results due May 31,2008.) Grades 4 and 5: a. California Healthy Kids Survey (administered in Fall) b. SHEE (School Health Education Evaluation) (administered in Fall) Grades 6-8: a. Middle School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) (administered in Fall) Grades 9-12: a. Iligh School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) (administered in Fall) Further, grantee will obtain from all schools in the Fall 2007 and at the end of school year 2007-2008: Center for Disease Control and Prevention School Health Index At the end of each school year, grantee will obtain from each participating school, grade-appropriate: o Average daily attendance data o Scores on standardized academic tests (Commonwealth Accountability Testing System)
Effective start/end date7/1/076/30/08


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