FRT 200, Experimental Rapid Renewal Project (Bridge Construction)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) will assist KYTC in developing an experimental bridge construction project for the FHWA “Rapid Renewal” SHRP2 program. The project will evaluate the cost effectiveness and accelerated construction aspect of producing a nearly “manufactured product” delivered to a field site with minimal assembly required. In addition to the “Rapid Renewal” aspect, the project will provide a “product” (bridge) which potentially could reduce KYTC maintenance requirements to near zero for an extended service life of 75 or more years. If the project proves successful on this relatively small scale, the technology and processes could be employed to greatly reduce the impact of new construction to the public and the infrastructure maintenance burden to KYTC. The project involves the use of innovative shop-applied duplex coating technology which offers potentially long service life. The KYTC Division of Structure Design will design the experimental structures and KTC will provide the supplementary Special Notes, assist in quality control inspections of all experimental features, monitor the process, and prepare a report to document the project. This work involves two bridges to be built on KY 6 in Knox County.
Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/15


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $22,110.00


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