FRT 204, Pedestrian Education and Enforcement Grant Evaluation

Grants and Contracts Details


Pedestrian Safety Evaluation Plan The evaluation plan proposes a 3 prong approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention measures and to further refine and target the enforcement, education and engineering improvements. The first Analyze pedestrian automated counts. Pedestrian pushbutton actuations at traffic control signals will be recorded through the use of the CENTRACS central signal system. This data can be used as a surrogate measure for pedestrian counts that will allow for normalization of crash data by accounting for changes in activity from seasonal, economic or other methods. In addition, the automated pedestrian counts can be used to target areas of high pedestrian activities for future mitigation measures including enforcement or engineering improvements. Hazard/Near-Miss Identification Studies. Quarterly observation studies will be conducted at high hazard or high traffic areas to identify hazardous conditions or actions. Conditions targeted will be 1) distracted driving/walking, 2) Near-miss or close call incidents between vehicular and pedestrian movements, 3) darting and jay-walking actions and 4) pedestrian movements wearing dark or poor visibility clothing. Observations will be made at 3 locations for multiple days. In addition to “hazardous” activity, the total number of pedestrians movements observed will be noted so that a normalized value of activity can be determined to account for seasonal, climate and other conditions that may vary with regard to the data collection schedules. This data can be used to supplement crash data as the hazardous actions can serve as a surrogate measure of pedestrian crash exposure. As such this data can serve to gauge the effectiveness of enforcement and education outreach efforts aimed at limiting hazardous behaviors. Evaluate pedestrian crash data. Crash data will be compiled quarterly and reviewed to map and analyze safety concerns for pedestrians. In addition to traditional statistical analysis, individual crash reports will be reviewed to identify causal factors and crash patterns that may serve to further direct mitigation measures. Summation of the crash data will also allow the project team and advisory committee to identify trends and target new focus efforts to curb pedestrian crash patterns. “Close Call” forms submitted to the city will also be reviewed with the crash data to further understand pedestrian/vehicle conflicts and trends. Pedestrian Travel Survey. Each quarterly reporting period will be accompanied by a travel survey blitz to Louisville metro residents. The purpose of the survey will be to determine resident perceptions of safe pedestrian activities and common practices. The survey will be designed to provide an objective evaluation of pedestrian activity and not serve as a direct educational tool to influence future observations. The survey will be distributed through Louisville Metro social media such as city facebook and twitter accounts, as well as targeted distribution to groups, such as schools and senior groups. This data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational outreach and enforcement activities on reaching the intended audience and changing the public attitudes of hazardous walking and driving practices. Each of the evaluation procedures described above will be conducted quarterly and the results summarized in a status report. After completion of the study, a final report identifying the efficacy of the mitigation measures and recommendations for future efforts will be provided.
Effective start/end date8/1/148/1/14


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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