FRT 231, Wet-Reflective Pavement Markings in Work Zones

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract FRT 231, Wet-Reflective Pavement Markings in Work Zones This research will study the performance of waterborne-based wet-reflective pavement markers in various work zones throughout the state. Researchers will draw conclusions about the visibility and durability of the wet-reflective pavement markings as well as evaluate crash trends throughout the work zone lifespan to track trends in visibility-related crashes. Test Locations This project is budgeted to accommodate up to four site visits to six different Kentucky work zones. Currently, the only known project is CID 201028 in District 4, which runs through Hardin and Bullitt Counties on I-65 North and South between mile points 102.1 and 104.7. Other projects will be identified as contracts are awarded and construction begins. Project Tasks 1. Perform a literature review on the use of wet-reflective pavement markings in work zones. 2. Document the pavement marking specifications upon installation. Periodically evaluate dry and wet retroreflectivity, as well as durability of the pavement markings in each work zone (up to four times per work zone). 3. Perform crash analysis during the implementation of the wet-reflective work zone striping. 4. Compare performance of wet-reflective pavement markings to traditional temporary markings a work zone. 5. Summarize project findings through development of a final report.
Effective start/end date6/15/216/30/23


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $76,922.00


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