Grants and Contracts Details
Gap junction channels are formed by a family of connexin proteins. There are at least 3 connexins, i.e.,
Cx26, 30 and 43, co-expressed in the cochlear supporting cells. Each connexin mutation alone can induce
hearing loss. These multiple connexin isoforms can form diverse connexin channel subtypes, including hybrid
(homotypic, heterotypic, homomeric, and heteromeric) channels with asymmetric gating, between the cochlear
supporting cells, even between the same type of cochlear supporting cells (Zhao, 2000; Zhao and Santos-Sacchi,
2000, see Appendices 1&11).Recently. channel reconstruction studies have demonstrated that some mutants are
still able to form functional homotypic channels between the connexin transfectants (Choung et aI., 2002;
Thonnissen et aI., 2002; Bruzzone et aI., 2003; Wang et aI., 2003), indicating that these mutants mainly impair
hybrid channel subtypes in vivo. Either Cx30 knockout animal models or ablation of Cx26 in the cochlear
supporting cells (the epithelial cell gap junction network) demonstrated supporting cells, eventually hair cells,
degeneration after the onset of hearing. However, the cochlea has almost normal development in deficient mice
(Cohen-Salmon et aI., 2002; Taubner et aI., 2003).
The big concern of both reviewers with our prior application was lack of a clearly stated out overarching
hypothesis in the grant proposal. We intend to elucidate the relations of connexin function to either cochlear
supporting cells or connexin channel subtypes in these cells. Our working hypothesis is that multiple
connexin isoforms and their channel subtypes may have cellular distribution in the cochlear supporting
cells and selectively permeate to ions, cell signaling molecules, and nutrients. Concerted actions of these
diverse gap junctions between multiple supporting cells can complete long-distant unidirectional intracellular
transports, such as recycling K' from hair cell extracellular space back to the endolymph and bringing energy
nutrients to cells in an opposite direction. Thus, different connexin isoforms and channel subtypes may provide
cellular distribution pathways essential to the functioning of the cochlear sensory epithelium.
Gap junctional permeability is an essential function for gap junctional coupling. Molecules up to I kDa,
including all known second messengers and some endogenous metabolites, can pass through the connexin
channels. Most cell signaling molecules and endogenous metabolites, such as IP), ATP, ADP, and Glutamate,
are the charged molecules. Their gap junctional permeability can be assessed using biologically inert
fluorescent probes. For example, IP3 possesses -2 changes and 417 Da, resembling a fluorescent dye Lucifer
yellow (443 Da, -2 charges). Diminishment of gap junctional intercellular communication by IP) can decrease
glucose mobilization in liver (Niessen et aI., 2000).
SA 2 ( SAlb in the prior version) Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to measure gap
junctional diffusion. The first reviewer had a concern on how the FRAP is measured and the data are processed
(Fig. 9). We described the detailed method for FRAP measurement and data processing in the Fig. 9 legend and
the section of Method as well. For a FRAP measurement, grouped cells will be pre-loaded with a membrane
impermeable fluorescent dye and then fluorescence in one cell will be quenched using a laser beam
illumination. The fluorescence of the quenched cell will be recovered by dye diffusion from the neighboring
cells through gap junctions. The intensity of recovering fluorescence in the quenched cell will be recorded and
measured by time-lapse photography. The recovery fluorescent intensity will be plotted versus recording time to
generate a recovery curve, which reflects the gap junctional permeability. The diffusion coefficient can be
calculated from the time constant of the recovery curve. Theoretically, any value can be selected as a reference
to normalize the FRAP data, since diffusion coefficient is determined by time-constant instead of the absolute
values of fluorescent intensity. We will choose each pre-quenching fluorescent intensity before every FRAP
measurement as the referent intensity to normalize the data for each FRAP measurement, so, the recovery
curves can be directly comparable for each FRAP measurement. We re-plotted Fig. 9 and plotted FRAP
measurements in each direction (or at either cell side) separately, normalizing the recovery fluorescent
intensities in each FRAP to its own pre-bleaching point. The time constants or diffusion coefficients for dye
diffusion through gap junctions in both direction, i.e., Cell A ~ Cell B and Cell B ~ Cell A, are quite different,
.=87.95 sand 60.06 s, respectively, and had an almost 30% difference. In prior data processing and plot, all
fluorescent intensities in two FRAP measurements were normalized to the pre-bleaching intensity ofthe first
measurement . st like the reviewer' dicated the rever intensit in the secon FRAP measurement was
only 50% of the first FARP measurement. This indicated that our experiment and FRAP measurement are
reliable. The time-constant was the same in both old and ncw data normalizations. Actually. in this case. wc
also did the third FRAP measurement, or repeated on measurement of the first measured cell (Cell A). We
added this repeated measurement in new Fig. 9C. The repeated data perfectly matched the first measurement.
This further implicated the difference in gap junctional diffusion in either direction arising from the difference
in direction of gap junctional diffusion rather than the possible damage in gap junctional coupling caused by
photobleaching. We also added detailed method for FRAP data processing, experiment concerns, and problem
solving in the Method section. lt is true that the fluorescent dye ofSNARF is a pH indicator. However, we did
not find any detectable change in fluorescent intensity after quenching a single uncoupled cell in preliminary
experiments, indicating that cytoplasmic pH might not change significantly. We will carefully choose
experiment parameters to avoid changes in the cell pH (see a section of FRAP measurement in Method). In
addition, we will use another pH-insensitive dye, Calcein AM, to do measurement as a control. Other concerns
and possible alternative strategies are also described in the method section.
SA 3 (old SA2) for connexin hemichannel study: The first reviewer required a stronger case to support our
hypothesis. We added new data (three new figures; Figs. 12-14) in the preliminary data section. The new data
clearly show that connexin hemichannels in the cochlear supporting cells have the same charge selectivity in
their permeability as that which appeared in the intact connexin channels. For example, new Fig. 12 shows that
a Hensen cell pair had synametric distribution ofhemichannels with different permeabilities to anionic and
cationic dyes in two cells. The permeability of gap junctional channels between the two cells showed similar
charge selectivity, impermeable to anionic dye Alexa Fluor 350. Otherwise, the Alexa Fluor dye would have
filled the right cell through the gap junctions between the cells. This case also shows that a clear rectification of
the dye diffusion through the gap junctions. The new data in Fig. 14C shows that some hemichannels in
supporting cells had dye uptake incubating in a regular extracellular solution, which contained 2 mM CaH (Fig.
14C). The cells had an influx of a cationic dye of Propidium iodide but did not permeate to another coincubated
anionic dye, Lucifer yellow. This is a good control, indicating that dye filling did not arise from cell
membrane damage induced leakage. The new data also implied that the hemichannels in the cochlear supporting
cells may be able to play physiological functions under normal physiological conditions. Our new data further
suggest that hemichannel study can elucidate connexin channel structure-function and may also lead to find
interesting unknown connexin functions in the cochlea.
The second reviewer had some concerns on patch clamp recording for sealing resistance measurement in
Fig. 15. We added the pre-and post-measurement seal resistances and electrode resistances (access resistances)
in the legend of Fig. 15. The seal resistances were above 1 GQ and recording quality was quite good. Actually,
in our patch clamp recording, the electrode resistance (or access resistance, Rs), membrane resistance (or seal
resistance, Rm), input capacitance (Cin), and other patch clamping parameters were routinely recorded in 2-4 Hz
during experiment (Zhao, 2001; Zhao and Santos-Sacchi, 1998,2001, see Appendices I-Ill). We will follow the
same procedure in this proposed proposal to monitor R" Rm,and Cin continuously (See Methods). Before and
after each measurement, the Rs, Rm,and Cn will be measured to assess the recording quality and the pipette
sealing condition. IfRm drops down to 500 MQ, which would show deterioration of pipette sealing, the
recording will be stopped and the data will be excluded trom the analysis. We also clearly stated information
about the anti-connexin antibody in the Fig. 15 legend and in the method section as well. Almost all commercial
available anti-Cx26/30 antibodies are anti-segments of the cytoplasmic loop of connexins. We will put such
antibodies into the patch pipette or do intracellular perfusion to load the antibody into the cells.
To show how to isolate the hemichannel response, we added a detailed method in the Method section. The
cochlear supporting cells have K and Ca and other voltage-dependent ion channels on the non-junctional
membrane. The prevalent ionic currents on the non-junctional membrane of the supporting cells are the voltagedependent
outward rectifying K currents (Nenov et aI., 1998; Zhao, 2000). We will use ionic blocking solution
(IBS, see Method), which contains 20 mM TEA, 20 mM CsCl, and 1.25 mM CoCh, to block voltage-dependent
K and Ca channels. This can block ionic currents on the non-junctional membrane of supporting cells very well
(See new Figs. 16B and 17A after uncoupling, or Zhao, 2000 and Zhao and Santos-Sacchi, 1998,2000,
.. '
does not inactivate, its responses are easy to distinguish from the fast-developing, quickly inactive K and Ca
currents. However, we wil1 stil1 use a connexin antibody or uncoupling agent, such as oetano!. to verity the
connexin hemichannel responses. For detailed method and experiment concerns see the section of Methods.
We added new SA4 on directly recording the ionic passage through gap junctions to replace old SA3. The
detailed method and information about how to record and identity the transjunctional current appears in the new
SA4 figures (Figs. 16& 17) and text, and in the corresponding section of Methods as wel!.
Old SA3 for testing how K- enter into the supporting cel1s has been moved to Future Direction and replaced
with new SA4. This makes the proposal focused and limited as reviewers suggested. However. we still like to
discuss briefly some concerns of the first reviewer on old SA3. The reviewer proposed that since the
transduction current carried by hair cells is in nA range, equally large conductance need to be present in
Deiters' cells. Indeed, bending the stalk of a Deiters' cell could evoke inward current in a nA range. For
example, , the evoked inward current of a single Deiters' cell was about 0.65 nA in our old Fig. 13 (which has
been removed in this application). Considering Deiters' cells are coupled together by gap junctions and work as
a group, the sinking capability of grouped Deiters' cells will be very large and enough to sink the hair cell
transduction current. It will be the same for the VR-OAC channel, if it is responsible for the evoked inward
current. How the K ions enter into the cochlear supporting cells is an interesting and important question. If
possible, we would like to address this issue in this proposal.
Background and Significance: The reviewers had no concerns on this section. However, we updated the new
lectures and studies since the last submission. The new studies have revealed that knockout of Cx30 or targeted
ablation of Cx26 in the cochlear sensory epithelial cells can induce elimination of endolymphatic potential (EP)
and potassium concentration, and supporting cells, eventual1y hair cel1s, begin to degenerate after the onset of
hearing. However, the cochlea of the deficient mice has almost normal development (Cohen-Salmon et aI.,
2002; Teubner et aI., 2003). These data suggest that the cochlear epithelial gap junction network, which we
propose to investigate in this project, playa crucial role in hearing functions. This also implies that gap
junctional intracellular communication may be important for providing energy. The cell degeneration in the
connexin deficient mice occurred after the onset of hearing. This may be because the cells need more energy
supplies for performing functions. It is also possible that because gap junctional coupling is required for
removing endogenous metabolites, ototoxins develop. In any case, the directional1y, selectively junctional
transport among the cochlear supporting cells is required for hearing, which we will test in this project.
The new studies also show that some deafness-associated Cx26 mutants still can form functional homotypic
channels between the connexin transfectants in vitro (Choung et aI., 2002; Thonnissen et aI., 2002; Bruzzone et
aI., 2003; Wang et aI., 2003). This indicates that these mutants mainly impair their constituting hybrid channel
subtypes, and the hybrid channel subtypes play important roles in hearing function. This also strongly supports
our working hypothesis that the hybrid channels may have cel1ular distribution and specific functions in the
cochlear supporting cells.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/15/04 → 6/30/11 |
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