Functional and Molecular Studies of Human OATP1B13 in Colon Cancer

  • Lee, Wooin (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS IRG) is an essential element that allows the University to recruit new faculty into cancer research and to promote the nurturing of new ideas by junior faculty who mayor may not already be involved in cancer research. Over the years, the ACS IRG has provided an important mechanism by which these faculty can testing their ideas, positioning them to compete successfully for extramural peer-reviewed research grants. The leadership of the University and of the Cancer Center understand that new ideas from new researchers in their first faculty positions can have a substantial impact on the advancement of biomedical research. The institution has added a substantial number of junior faculty over the past decade in diverse disciplines that range from basic molecular biology to psychosocial sciences. These additions have significantly enlarged the pool of new ideas and applicants eligible for ACS IRG funding. The present renewal application requests additional support to help fund a minimum of three applications annually at the newly approved level of $30,000 for each award, up from $20,000 each currently. Recognizing the importance and prestige of the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant for outstanding young investigators, the University and Cancer Center have committed up to $15,000 in supplemental/matching funds for each eligible ACS IRG pilot project award, bringing a maximum $30,000 award to $45,000 per investigator. The current ACS IRG program includes an investigator mentoring planmatching ACS IRG awardees to other faculty in established program areas of the center - to assure that awardees are properly advised once an award is made, and that they receive training that will help them secure peer-reviewed funding. Finally, the ACS IRG plays an important role in fostering extensive interactions between the University and the American Cancer Society. Over the years, this relationship has been mutually beneficial to both organizations. The ACS IRG has spawned extensive collaborations in such programs as Hope Lodge, Relay for Life, and Look Good, Feel Better. This grant, further, underscores the intentionality of a thriving partnership committed to improving life for the area's cancer patients/survivors and their families by all means possible.
Effective start/end date2/1/091/31/10


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