FY 15 KCCSP KCP East - Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening Program Education and Outreach

  • Armstrong, Debra (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Cancer Program will provide education and outreach services through health care providers and organizations that serve the target population to help identify people who meet the programs eligibility requirements for screening. Education and outreach activities will be include the following: „h Providing packets of information and materials to health care providers and organizations that work with the target population. The packets will include: o Information for health care providers and organizations about the Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening Program, services and eligibility. o Fact sheets and other materials that can be distributed to patients and people in the target population about the benefits of FIT testing, eligibility, and referral information. „h Conducting a presentation on the KCCSP and showing the KCCSP video. „h Planning and coordinating awareness event(s) during National Colon Cancer Awareness Month in collaboration with the health department and community partners in counties/districts with funded colon cancer screening sites. In addition KCP will submit a press release to local newspapers announcing the KCCSP funding in the respective areas, provide public service announcements for radio about the program emphasizing FIT testing services, promote the KCCSP program on the KCP website and face book page, and encourage people to use the colon cancer screening directory in the Pathfinder. The Regional Cancer Control Specialist will meet with KCCSP sites quarterly to share samples of available KCP literature, provide technical assistance with planning education and outreach activities and provide updates on related KCP activities. Two of these quarterly meetings will be site visits with the health department and state KCCSP staff.
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/15


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