FY 22 SPHB State Soil Morphology Course

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract FY 21 FY22 State Soil Morphology Course Greater than 40% of households in Kentucky utilize and maintain an on-site waste management system (OSWS) to remediate and renovate household sewage and waste water. Proper installation, maintenance, and operation of OSWS depends on an understanding of pedology, geomorphology, and hydrology. The individuals that evaluate sites for OSWS are predominantly public health workers that are employed by the county and region health departments and districts. This contract supports training these individuals in a four-day in-person soil morphology course that is offered on campus at the University of Kentucky. This course introduces the basics of soil morphology, soil hydrology, and geomorphology, as well as teaches these individuals the procedures of soil profile description. To be certified to evaluate sites for OSWS, all individuals have to pass this course, which enables them to progress on to additional trainings. A second level of soil morphology trainings are offered periodically, depending on need, which focuses on specialized problems in the installation and maintenance of OSWS in Kentucky.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $25,000.00


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