FY22 Fostering Success

Grants and Contracts Details


Employment outcomes for foster youth and alumni are dismal. Myriad studies document that these individuals have higher unemployment rates, are overly dependent on public financial assistance due to employment circumstances, are more likely to experience employment insecurity, and tend to be lower- wage earners, when compared to their non-fostered peers. Despite the importance of employment education and training for youth transitioning from foster care to adulthood, few broad-based, sustainable models and initiatives aimed at allaying these inimical employment challenges for this population exist. Against this backdrop, the Cabinet initiated Fostering Success, an employment initiative, in collaboration with the University of Kentucky College of Social Work’s Training Resource Center. Objective I: Assist CHFS with the conceptualization and implementation of the 2020 Fostering Success Summer Employment Initiative A full-time Job Coordinator is employed to identify and cultivate relationships with employers across the state who will act as worksite providers for youth participating in the program. The Job Coordinator works to match participants with employers who will offer a meaningful work experience and match their individual vocational interests. The Job Coordinator provides ongoing support to employers throughout the program. The Coordinator also serve as a Job Coach for participants who are granted an extension within the program and is responsible for training and supporting of the job coaches employed during the 10 week program. Funding is available for regional ceremonies to acknowledge participants who successfully complete the Fostering Success Program. Objective II: Employ part-time job coaches across the state to provide job readiness sessions for Fostering Success participants, as well as individual coaching and mentorship on a weekly basis. Fostering Success Job Coaches assist with job readiness sessions and meet weekly with Fostering Success participants in their designated DCBS Service Regions to provide individual coaching and mentorship. Job Coaches also work one-on-one with participants to advance the development of professional skills and a vocational/career plan as well as assist them in addressing barriers to successfully completing the program. Job Coaches facilitate weekly personal development group sessions for participants in designated regions. The curriculum for these sessions is developed in conjunction with and approved by Chafee Independent Living Program Administrator. The job coaches act as liaisons between participants and their work supervisor in order to address any personnel issues and coordinate with the work supervisors to conduct performance evaluations for foster success participants at the end of the 10-week program. Objective III: Provide financial assistance for program participants to facilitate their participation in the program. Upon approval by the Chafee Independent Living Program Coordinator, the Job Coordinator works with program participants and their Job Coach to provide financial assistance for such things as bus passes, Proposed Scope of Work University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center Fostering Success July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 gas cards, Uber/cab payments, and work attire as needed for successful program participation and as funds allow. The program will implement a match savings program for fostering success participants. The Chafee Independent Living Program Administrator will approve implementation. Objective IV: Develop and implement ongoing virtual service provision plans. Program staff will develop and implement continuity contingency plans for Fostering Success service provision using virtual platforms and technologies. These virtual service provision plans will be executed as needed to ensure the continuity of services to foster youth participating in the Fostering Success program.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Department of Community Based Services: $257,917.00


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