FY22 Kentucky Rural Health Journal

Grants and Contracts Details


SECTION 2-SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.00-Services Required The University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF), State Office of Rural Health (SORH) shall: Partner with all safety net partners, including but not limited to the Primary Care Association (PAC), Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), Primary Care Office (PCO), and the Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA) to produce a rural health journal, The Bridge. Distribution shall be digitally via email, as a link on the SORH website and as a printed magazine-style journal. The Bridge shall have the following scheduled release dates for each year: July September December March Produce a rural health journal that shall contain newsworthy stories and information relevant to rural health matters in Kentucky and across the nation. Consult with safety net partners for content suggestions to insure The Bridge includes information of interest to a wide variety of safety net providers. This will result in a stronger, better quality publication. All issues of The Bridge shall include a notice stating the journal was partially paid for through federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Primary Care Office grant funds.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $10,000.00


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