FY23 Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): CL 4

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract There has been steady rise in the number of reported incidences of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in the state of Kentucky. Nationally, in 2020, the NAS rate was 7.3 cases per 1,000 births. In Kentucky, the NAS rate, as of 2019, was 20.9 cases per 1,000 births. This project will seek to continue the expansion of PATHways services into the underserved rural areas of northeast Kentucky, specifically Rowan County and the surrounding areas. Secondly, we will begin disseminating through education the effective approaches in reducing NAS and engaging pregnant and parenting mothers into recovery from substance use disorders. The next step will be to help develop trainings that can be used throughout the state to address NAS. The focus of this expansion will be to provide comprehensive obstetric (OB) and recovery services to pregnant women with opioid use disorders, opioid use disorders with co-morbid polysubstance and/or mental illness by using a “hub and spoke” model to expand UK PATHways services in the UK Morehead Women’s Center. UK PATHways provides its services out of UK Polk Dalton clinic on Wednesdays in the downtown area of Lexington, KY. Patients from across the state can join via telehealth to receive prenatal education, group and individual counseling and psychoeducation, MAT and high-risk OB service. The funds from this grant will provide comparable staff for the UK Morehead Women’s Center located in Rowan County. The Morehead PATHways program operates on Friday afternoon each week where the same in person services in Lexington are made available. Patients are supported throughout the week by staff that are in Lexington with the UK PATHways program at Polk Dalton clinic and our offices located at 333 Waller Ave. The funding from this grant will be used to expand the local personnel that are dedicated to serving in the Morehead area, as well as expanding the telemedicine support that can be offered off-site.
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/24


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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