FY23 Radon Training Through County Extension Offices

Grants and Contracts Details


1.00-Purpose and Background The University of Kentucky (UK), as a land grant university, has the County Extension Agents on its staff. The County Extension Service is located in every county in Kentucky and provides educational services to each community. UK College Department of Family Sciences operates alongside the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension. The FCS Extension offices are committed to improving the quality of life for individuals and families resulting in strong families for Kentucky. They have more than 100 programs that are developed and available from FCS County Agents. One of the initiatives is the promotion of Healthy Homes and Communities. The agents are trusted representatives that are able to effectively communicate to citizens in rural areas of Kentucky the importance of radon testing and mitigation. They regularly schedule activities in their community that impact a variety of people. The agents are trained on various subjects on which they give guidance to local individuals and families. They have the necessary expertise to further expand education on radon testing and mitigation and support the core goals of the EPA State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG). 2.00-Services Required 1. Assign a Person of contact (Liaison) within the Department of Family and Consumer Science (FCS) Extension to communicate to the State Radon Grant Coordinator on all matters related the contract scope of work. Share relevant information about the core responsibilities of this contact person. Provide updates on any changes in key personnel related to the scope of work to maintain continuity of the required activity reports needed for the State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG). 2. Promote all radon training events to FCS agents across the state. FCS Agents in receipt of federal grant money (EPA SIRG) will participate in a minimum of 2 training events related to the subject of radon. They will either be virtual or in-person. The participation in training events will be reported on activity reports. FCS agents will participate in 1 scheduled orientation that provides overview of the state indoor radon grant and the requirements for activity reporting. 3. Develop an general outreach or strategy plan for schools around the state that entails the local county extension office becoming a point of contact to learn more about the basic guidelines for home radon testing as well as being resource for EPA documentation that promotes the Indoor Air Quality and tools for schools. At a minimum, the plan will include the list of online and offline resources to share with local schools and how it will be implemented. The plan may include power point presentation slides, brochures, fact sheets, or other resources that will increase the capacity of Kentucky schools to better understand what are good practices to keep radon levels low in the home and school environment. The strategy plan will be reviewed by the Kentucky Radon Program office for assistance and approval. 4. Utilize existing free radon education resources. Create or make improvement to radon information resources (e.g. create a new brochure for local realtors in the county about radon) that increases awareness about radon. Develop a minimum of one new radon information resource (e.g. fact sheets, brochure, webpage, instructions on choosing a competent radon contractor) for the county extension offices that improves knowledge of radon to one of the following groups: health professionals, library/school officials, local realtors, or local professional builders. Another group may be targeted for a radon education resource if it creates more awareness for radon testing and mitigation. The substitute group will be reviewed by the State Radon Grant Coordinator for approval. 5. Provide a summary of the type of information resources (e.g. brochures, fact sheets, instruction sheets) that will be shared across the county extension offices over the period of the contract. The tracking of the distribution of these resources will be provided on the numerical report form that is provided by the Kentucky Radon Program. 6. Coordinate with State Radon Program for outreach during Radon Action Month (January). FCS agents will plan and coordinate a minimum of 1 promotion (free kits, resources, contest, etc.) using available media (e.g. newspapers, social media, TV, radio) related to radon education. The results of the promotion will be reported in an activity report. The plan for the promotion(s) of the resources will be provided in advance of Radon Action Month (January 2023). 7. Participate with quarterly meetings from the Kentucky Cancer Consortium. Choose 1 person as an FCS representative to contribute input and feedback on the content of Kentucky Cancer Action Plan. Share the cancer action plan with FCS agent network to broaden understanding of key objectives towards lung cancer prevention across the state. 8. Promote the 2023 State Radon and Video Contest that is organized by the Kentucky Radon Program. FCS agents will promote the Kentucky Radon Poster/Video contest through available media in their county. The media that is used to promote the contest will be included in the activity report. An advertisement strategy across county extension offices will be planned for promotion of the annual contest. 9. Promote education on radon through by sharing information resources (digital and print) at local county fairs and the state fair. Designate 1 FCS agents as contact person to host a minimum of 1 exhibit either at the local or state fair in 2022 where radon information resources will be provided. An alternative location for a community exhibit event during the contract period is permissible in the case that the local or state fair cannot be scheduled. Share a summary report that lists FCS agents commitment to hosting a radon education exhibit. 10. Promote attendance at the annual meetings on radon scheduled by the EPA, American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST), and Conference for Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) and other offered training events. Membership options to these organizations will be shared to all FCS agents involved in radon awareness. Continuing Education Units (CEU) opportunities through these organizations will be shared to agents to connect them with the most recent technical training courses related to radon testing and mitigation practices. For those employees choosing membership, a summary report can be included in the quarterly report to the Kentucky Radon Program office to explain the number of persons and types of courses attended to increase technical competency. 11. Create a method to communicate with the UK College of Agriculture Extension Agents. A website, newsletter, or other communication (e.g. email newsletter) tool that informs the UK College of Agriculture extension network of the radon educational opportunities (e.g. continuing education, radon webinars, conferences) available to them.
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/23


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $30,000.00


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