FY24 Breaking the Cycle (BTC) (Scope: CL 6; AL 2 - ZFCP - CFDA 93.658)

Grants and Contracts Details


SECTION 2-SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.00-Services Required UK shall be responsible for the following: A. Perform Multidimensional Assessment – Medicaid Primary Assessments 1. Provide a multidisciplinary assessment of Medicaid eligible children and families identified and referred by DCBS, which contains, at a minimum, the following: a Child Demographics. b. Current Legal Findings. c. Listing of Significant Persons in Child’s Life. d. Family DCBS History/Domestic Violence History. e. Child Developmental Screening and Psychometric Information. f. Review of Child Medical/Mental Health and Educational History. g. Caregiver Mental Health History and Psychometric Screening. h. Results of Parent Interview and Observation of Caregiver/Child Interactions. i. Conclusions/Recommendations. 2. Provide a written comprehensive, readily available, easily readable report of the assessment within ninety (90) days of the date of the accepted and completed referral. If this due date is not possible because of the lack of acquisition of all requested records from DCBS or service providers, poor client attendance and completion of all procedures or court action that halts or impedes the completion of the assessment, CATS staff shall notify the Service Region Administrator or designee in writing, within ten (10) working days of the original due date, which factor(s) delayed the report, and what date the report can be expected. The assessment shall be an accurate, useful “snapshot” of the child’s and the family’s strengths and weaknesses within the following domains: a. Family/social. b. Emotional/behavioral. c. Attachment. d. Life history/traumatic events. e. Developmental/cognitive/academic. 3. Gather quantitative data using developmentally appropriate measures. 4. Identify the child’s and the family’s strengths and weaknesses within each domain and provide initial recommendations to address problem areas. 5. Perform assessment and treatment in direct collaboration with DCBS staff that have direct case responsibility. 6. Consult with DCBS staff on the initial implementation of the recommendations and assist DCBS staff in the development of the case plan. 7. Provide consultations to DCBS staff, as needed. 8. Submit on behalf of the DCBS, paper or electronic claims directly to the Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) for payment for completed assessments. The requested payments shall not exceed actual cost. 9. Assure and provide documentation that services are performed and billed at actual cost. 10. Assist DCBS staff in translating the assessment results to the case planning process. 11. Provide court testimony when requested. 12. Conduct home visits and collateral interviews. B. Perform Multidimensional Assessments – Adoption Promotion/Stability 1. Provide a multidisciplinary assessment of Title IV-B eligible children and their foster/adoptive parents who are identified and referred by DCBS, which contain, at least, the following: a. Current Legal Findings. b. Listing of Significant Person’s in Child’s Life. c. Family DCBS History/ Domestic Violence History. d. Child Developmental Screening and Psychometric Information. e. Review of Child Medical/Mental Health and Educational History. f. Caregiver Mental Health History and Psychometric Screening. g. Results of Parent Interview and Observation of Caregiver/Child Interactions. h. Conclusions/Recommendations. 2. Provide a written comprehensive, readily available, easily readable report of the assessment within ninety (90) days of the date of the accepted and completed referral. If this due date is not possible because of the lack of acquisition of all requested records from DCBS or service providers, poor client attendance and completion of all procedures or court action halts or impedes the completion of the assessment, CATS staff shall notify the DCBS local liaison in writing, within ten (10) working days of the original due date, which factor(s) delayed the report, and what date the report can be expected. The assessment shall be an accurate, useful “snapshot” of the child’s and family’s strengths and weaknesses within the following domains: a. Family/social. b. Emotional/behavioral. c. Attachment. d. Life history/traumatic events. e. Developmental/cognitive/academic. 3. Gather quantitative data using developmentally appropriate measures. 4. Identify child and family strengths and weaknesses within each domain and provide initial recommendations to address problem areas. 5. Provide intensive, ten (10) week, in-home treatment programs that promote healthy attachments and stabilizes adoptive placements. 6. Perform assessment and treatment in direct collaboration with DCBS staff that have direct case responsibility. 7. Oversee the initial implementation of the recommendations and assist the Cabinet in the development of the case plan. 8. Assure that the total cost of providing Multidimensional Assessments for Adoption Promotion/ Stability does not exceed the amount allocated in this Contract. C. Deliver a trauma-informed care training curriculum to interdisciplinary groups of professionals across Kentucky 1. Provide a one-day training that: a. Provides an overview of a trauma-informed approach. b. Includes but is not limited to the following topics: i. How violence impact brain development in young children. ii. Intercept points where children enter the system and opportunities for professional intervention in non-traumatizing ways. iii. How to integrate a trauma framework into judicial decision-making and the administrative handling of the case. iv. How to ask trauma informed questions. v. Making recommendations that consider the child’s trauma history and level of functioning. c. Includes case analyses to facilitate learning. 2. Continue to provide consultative services for the below programs and/or trainings: a. Breaking the Cycle of Child Maltreatment and Neglect - University of Kentucky. i. Provide specialized training, consultation and technical assistance for DCBS staff in the areas of identification and service intervention for children suffering long term effects of child maltreatment and neglect; ii. Provide ongoing training to DCBS staff on appropriate assessment of children who are suspected to be victims of child physical/sexual abuse and/or neglect, coordination of assessment services, child fatality review processes and appropriate referral. b. Adoption support consultative services i. Provide consultation and consultation for DCBS staff to promote adoption support. c. Research and evaluation initiatives i. Collaborate with DCBS to conduct research and evaluation related to issues impacting children and families interfacing with the child welfare system. The principal investigator will be a Professor/Ph.D. at the University of Kentucky, and the training team will consist of Masters and Ph.D. level trainers with expertise in this curriculum. 3. Ensure that the project team will: a. Work closely with the steering committee and state funders to identify priorities and proper sequencing of trainings. b. Target existing multidisciplinary teams as the core for each training session. c. Ensure that trainings will be clustered by county or region so as to: i. Maximize participation and resources. ii. Build upon the synergistic power of having multiple disciplines trained at once. 4. Construct a map of current trauma-focused training efforts to avoid redundancy and maximize reach. 5. Ensure that project personnel will use an evaluation strategy that includes: a. A pre- and post-test design to measure learner competence with the content. b. A case based analysis strategy to determine the learner’s ability to apply concepts.
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/24


  • KY Department of Community Based Services


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