FY24 Pediatric Molecular Tumor Board C4618

Grants and Contracts Details


There is a significant gap in clinical knowledge on the applicability of targeted therapies and the prognostic value of molecular profiling determinants in pediatric brain tumor patients. University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF) shall conduct a prospective study of next generation sequencing and germline testing for all pediatric brain tumor patients in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Understanding regional difference in genetic expression may yield significant contributions in daily clinical practice. Their multidisciplinary and multi-institutional approach will create a network of providers to ensure all patients diagnosed in Kentucky undergo genetic testing, and each case will be discussed during pediatric molecular tumor board if actionable mutations are found. The information from this testing will be included in a state-wide population registry, that will allow for future retrospective studies on outcomes and will help in understanding these diseases in the patient population.
Effective start/end date5/21/246/30/24


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $6,627.00


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