Grants and Contracts Details
Appalachian and Inner-city Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Data
Ecosystem (ACCELERATE) Consortium
FY2024/2025 Kentucky Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund Grant Program
The National Cancer Institute recognizes pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer
(PAYA) patients as a special and understudied population with approximately 90,000
individuals ages 0-39 diagnosed with cancer in the United States each year. Cancer is
the leading cause of disease-related death in the PAYA population. Survival of PAYA
cancer has shown improvements over time. However, survival improvements in the
AYA population lag behind those observed in children and older adults for several
cancers. Particularly among children, many cancers remain incurable and severely
burdensome for these individuals and their families. The ability to accurately assess the
costs and understand the needs of this unique population of cancer patients remains
limited due to the lack of accessible high-quality data on a population scale. This
contract shall form a data sharing consortium of leading cancer centers within the most
PAYA cancer burdened region in the United States to aggregate, integrate, and connect
existing clinical and molecular data to catalyze collaborative research. The overall goal
of this contract is to formulate the Appalachian and Inner-City Pediatric, Adolescent, and
Young Adult Cancer Data Ecosystem (ACCELERATE) Consortium.
According to KRS 211.597, the Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund (PCRTF) board
shall establish a grant program to provide funding to research projects and programs in
accordance with priorities established in the PCRTF plan.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/24 → 6/30/25 |
- KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $491,768.00
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