FY25 Kentucky Homeplace Project C4816 - FY25 KOCHW (September-June)

Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky Homeplace Contract FY25-26 The Kentucky Department for Public Health has worked in partnership with the University of Kentucky Center for Excellence in Rural Health, Kentucky Homeplace since 1994. CHFS/KDPH provides an allocation to support the operation of the Kentucky Homeplace Project. Kentucky Homeplace utilizes Community Health Workers to assist rural Kentuckians, who live in medically underserved areas, in accessing appropriate health care, including preventive care and linking them with appropriate resources and connections within their community. The project shall focus on the use of Community Health Workers (CHW) to provide intake, needs assessments, referrals to resources, linkages with providers for medical, social and mental health issues and follow-up. Kentucky Homeplace will address the following goals: 1. Provide CHWs and appropriate supervision in a 30-county area to assist rural Kentuckians who live in medically underserved areas in identifying their health risk factors, use of preventive health screening and how to live a healthier lifestyle 2. Assist clients in access to and navigating healthcare, social service and mental health systems. 3. Work with the Kentucky Department for Public Health and partners to find solutions to bridge the gap between uninsured and underserved individuals and the health care delivery system. 4. Work with the Kentucky Department for Public Health Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program to connect clients with access to medications they are in need of. 5. Create community clinical linkages between vulnerable populations and healthcare providers and address social determinants of health. 6. Provide health coaching and referrals to appropriate resources to rural Kentuckians related to acute and chronic conditions and factors such as social determinants of health. 7. Provide DPH a line-item budget for the upcoming Fiscal Year, by March 1st each year. 8. Provide DPH a detailed definition of each service, including health education, referrals for services or support, chronic disease self-management education, and senior assistance provided by the organization, within ten (30) days of contract implementation. 9. Develop and maintain a data base for client intake, referrals, care plan, follow-up and disposition 10. Develop a Plan of Action for each client. Each client will receive an initial assessment (as applicable) to develop an action plan with the clients served. Each plan of action shall include a summary of services provided and outcomes as indicated to be included in the quarterly reports. 11. Collect the following data: • Type of payer (insured, Medicaid, Medicare, dual-eligible, uninsured) information. • Information on hospital admissions and Emergency Department (E.D.) use for each patient. • Identification of the type of visit (home visit, office visit, phone contact). • The length of time for each visit spent with the patient and travel if indicated • The length of time spent by staff for training, community meetings, administrative processing (mailings, paperwork, etc.) separate from client service time. • Messaging provided in service area related to COVID-19 and underlying chronic conditions 12. Referrals made for resources related to social determinants of health • Provide the name and contact information for lead staff person and/or information on changes in lead position, within10 days of change. • Utilize the Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program to assist clients as necessary to obtain needed medications and provide reports. • Identify appropriate members of the Kentucky Homeplace team to provide technical assistance and/or presentations to growing CHW programs across the state. • Maintain a training curriculum for CHWs that meets Core Competencies for CHW Certification and recertification.
Effective start/end date7/1/246/30/26


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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