Gaseous production from impermeable swine waste storage tanks and its abatement using biofilters

  • Day, George (PI)
  • Higgins, Stephen (CoI)
  • Taraba, Joseph (CoI)
  • Gates, Richard (Former PI)
  • Singh, Anshu (Former CoI)
  • Wilkerson, Erin (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


This integrated project addresses gas and odor production from impemleablc swine waste storage structures and their abatement with biofilters. Impermeable storage structures are a viable altemative for Kentucky's swine operations, particularly those located in hydrosensitive karst geographical regions, to effectively eliminate water pollution. Air quality should also be enhanced if the swine waste storage is covered, ventilated, and the exhaust air is properly treated for gaseous and odorous compounds prior to discharge. A long-term goal of this research is to promote liquid manure storage in environmentally sound impermeab1c tanks coupled with biofiIters to reduce air and water pollution. By treating tank ventilatIOn air with biofiltration, a process of exposure to microbial ecosystems, po]]utant gases such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and nitrous oxide can be captured and resultant emissions reduced. Specific objectives of this project are to: I. Characterize and quantifY gaseous production as affected by environmental conditions in a series of laboratory and field experiments; 2. Evaluate biofilter design parameters to optimize removal of ammonia. methane, nitrous oxide and hydrogen sulfide from heads pace gases of storage tanks; 3. Educate livestock producers and other stakeholders about impermeable manure storage tanks and biofiIter technologies. Objectives wi]] be achieved using data obtained from three impermeable waste storage tanks and three biofiIters at the University of Kentucky Animal Research Center as we]] as demonstration biofiIters installed at cooperating swine facilities across Kentucky. Anticipated outcomes of this project include: establishnlent of baseline data for gas and odor production from impermeable swine waste storage stmctures; establishment of biofilter design parameters for low-volumelhigh concentration airstreams; validation of biofilter efficacy for removing gases and odors generated in swine waste tanks; and education/training of producers, local and state govemment officials, extension educators, engineers, and concemed citizens regarding impermeable storage and biofilter technologies. Ultimately, this project will help increase awareness regarding air quality issues and abatement technologies of the Kentucky and U.S. swine industry, thereby, aiding their global competitiveness and minimizing their environmental impact. We have assembled a team of researchers, educators and Extension personnel with diverse backgrounds and experience in agricultural and biological engineering, soil science, chemistry, environmental engineering, waste management and natural resources. Team members include facuIty and staff of the University of Kentucky and researchers from the USDA-ARS Waste Management Laboratory in Bowling Green. Cooperators include the state Pork Producers Council, individual producers and the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service's agricultural and natural resources agent network.
Effective start/end date2/1/071/31/11


  • Cooperative State Research Education and Extension: $487,087.00


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