General Pediatric Services

  • Wong, Peter (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


General Pediatrics will provide case management of the level One, High Risk Newborn Nursery, Case Management of the General Pediatrics Diagnostic Referral Clinic and Public Health Education activities will be provided by the University of Kentucky, Division of Pediatrics. The Second Party agrees to perform the services as hereinafter described with particularity as follows: A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will provide case management functions as a nurse coordinator for the Level One (High Risk) Newborn nursery. These case management functions would include keeping daily logs of newborn deliveries for surveillance purposes, mailing appropriate discharge information to the primary care physician, contacting local health department personnel to refer infants into state-sponsored programs such as HANDS or WIC. The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner would also assist with Public Health or home care referrals as needed, and assist mothers in scheduling special follow-up appointments because of specific medical concerns. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will provide case management related to the state metabolic screening program. These case management functions would include making sure that the screening specimens have been drawn from the newborn infants. After reviewing the test results when they are returned from the state lab, the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will be responsible for notifying parents and the appropriate primary care physicians of abnormalities or requests for repeat testing. The Nurse Practitioner will also be responsible for counseling parents and follow-up care. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will be the Nurse Coordinator for case management for the General Pediatrics Diagnostic Referral Clinic. A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will be available for consultative telephone triage calls from the Local Health Department staff for advice on case management, patient referrals, or any health care related issue or problem. The Nurse Practitioner will be responsible for reporting the results of evaluation and testing to the local physician and/or Health Department as appropriate to coordinate care and follow-up services. The Nurse Practitioner will work with the local primary physician regarding the coordination of patient care. The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will be available for consultative telephone triage calls through the following telephone numbers, (606)- 323-6426, extension 310, or (606) 257-1000 (UK Connection). The Division of General Pediatrics will provide a continuing education program bi-annually. These programs will be provided for the Public Health Nurses and Physicians, (CME's for physicians and CEU's for nurses). The Department for Public Health Pediatric Nursing Consultant will select the topics. The Public Health Nursing Consultant will be notified of the date and the number of CME/CEU's awarded to the Physicians and Nurses who attend each program. The notification will be ninety days prior to the educational offerings. The method of instruction will be video and/or CD Rom and will be made available to all Local Health Departments in each County. The Division of General Pediatrics will counsel all families on the importance of avoiding tobacco use. Refer parents, youth and family members to appropriate smoking cessation programs. Stress the importance of avoiding exposure to second hand smoke. Assist in removing the discrepancy in tobacco-related diseases in minority, economically disadvantaged, and rural populations. The Division of General Pediatrics will submit a semiannual summary report of each of the program activities to the Division of Adult and Child Health within 30 days following the end of the report period. The Division of General Pediatrics will submit as part of the annual report, a description of progress on activities that address one or more of the four CDC National Tobacco Control Program goals of: 1) Preventing initiation; 2) Promoting quitting; 3) Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke; and 4) reducing disparities among population groups disproportionately affected by tobacco use. One or more of the following strategies may be used to address these national goals: professional training and development; policy development; information dissemination; community mobilization; and surveillance and/or evaluation.
Effective start/end date7/1/056/30/06


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