General Supervision Enhancement Systems in the District of Columbia


Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky, through assignment by the Division of Special Education, District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) and the District ofCo!umbia Early Intervention Program, (DCEIP), proposes to provide planning, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation services to establish a process to which the State Advisory Panel on Special Education for the District of Columbia (Advisory Panel) (representing Part B) will be prepared to undertake responsibility for the implementation of the Improvement Plan based on the Kahn Logic Model and to develop an evaluation and monitoring system to be utilized by the Advisory Panel and in collaboration and coordination with the [nteragency Coordinating Council (lCC) (representing Part C) to monitor DCPS' and DCEIs' adherence to the plan and to evaluate the results with the final product being the creation of an infrastructure that will continue to monitor, eva! uate, and amend the plan after the secession of the grant. These services are designed to create the technical assistance and training infrastructure necessary to impact systemic solutions to challenges and noncompliances identified in the "Self-Assessment Report (December 2000)" as an element of the Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process (CIMP). Two major objectives are supported by the work seope of this proposal. The Advisory Panel and ICC have been established to address CIMP-identified issues and non-compliances in: (I) Improvement Planning processes and (2) the Child Find infrastructure. These objectives address needs in both Part B and Part C services required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This project will focus on systemic change using research-based effective practices that focus on results for infants and toddlers with developmental delays as well as children and youth with disabilities, and their families.
Effective start/end date11/1/013/31/06


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