Genetics Services

  • Bay, Carolyn (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


SCOPE OF WORK Genetic services shall be provided through hospital consults, center-based clinics and outreach clinics in eastem Kentucky. The following activities shall be completed through this contract: 1. Genetic services shall be provided through 7 outreach sites in eastem Kentucky for a total of 28 clinics per year with a total of 200 clients served in these clinics. 2. Genetic services shall be provided at the University of Kentucky through hospital consults and center-based clinics with a total of 375 ciients per year. 3. Provide limited laboratory and diagnostic support services. Bill third party payors as appropriate for patients covered by other sources of funding. Collect fees according to an established fee schedule for patients above 100% poverty. 4. Collect basic genetic data for outreach and center-based services including: number of encounters, unduplicated patients, location of service, date of service, sex, race, date of birth, residency and ICD-9 diagnostic codes. ThIs information shall be submitted on a quarterly basis. 5. Schedule and provide at least six regional training sessions for the purpose of increasing local providers skills in identifying appropriate referrals for genetic services. 6. Participate in the planning and completion of a continuing education workshop for the purpose of educating nurses and other health care providers about genetics in collaboration with the University of Louisville and the Division of Adult and Child Heaijh Improvement. 7. Provide medical consuijation to the Division of Adult and Child Health Improvement for KBSR by participating in advisory committee meetings, data verification and evaluation, and presentations to promote birth defects surveillance. 8. Collaborate with KBSR to enhance reporting of children with birth defects, genetic and/or disabling conditions by providing monthly reporting to KBSR This electronic report shall contain the following data fields: first name, middle initial. last name, date of birth. sex, address, city, state, zip code, medical record number and up to 12 ICD-9 diagnostic codes. 9. The second party shall submit in their annual report to the Division of Adult and Child Heaith Improvement a description of and progress on activities that address one or more of the four CDC National Tobacco Controi Program goals of: 1) Preventing initiation; 2) Promoting quitting; 3) Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke; and 4) Reducing disparities among population groups disproportionately affected by tobacco use. One or more of the following strategies may be used to address these national goals: professional training and development; policy development; information dissemination; community mobilization; and surveillance and/or evaluation. This is the Master Agreement. There is no other scope of work available
Effective start/end date7/1/056/30/06


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